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The JESUS Film 24 Day ChallengeEjemplo

The JESUS Film 24 Day Challenge

DÍA 11 DE 24

"The JESUS Film 24-Day Challenge: Day 11"


Jesus’ disciples had a wonderful request for Jesus: they asked Him, “teach us to pray.” He taught them a simple but profound prayer that we can use as an example of how to pray.

As Jesus’ ministry continued, both His opponents and His supporters grew in numbers. In this chapter, Jesus rebuked those who were rejecting His teachings about the Kingdom of God. These rebukes were mainly directed at the religious leaders of the day, because their hypocrisy had hindered the people, obscured God’s love, and turned a blind eye to the murder of God’s prophets.

As we continue reading the chapter, we see Jesus’ triumph over Satan, and His strong words of rebuke for those who refused God’s grace. His words hold valid warnings for us today.


  • What is the main point in Jesus’ parable about prayer?
  • What is the main point of Jesus’ words about the need for a kingdom to be united?
  • What sign did Jesus give to the world? How does this sign apply to us today?
  • Think through the rebuke Jesus gave the Pharisees and lawyers. Why was Jesus so upset with them? How do we commit the same sins today?


God, make me a person of prayer. Help me to always come to You in faith, believing that You care about me and my needs. I’m so thankful that You have power over Satan, and that Jesus has defeated him. Please show me my sin; help me repent of the sinful attitudes in my heart so I can avoid the deception of the Pharisees. Through the grace You’ve shown me, I submit myself to You completely.

In Jesus’ name, amen.


Día 10Día 12

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The JESUS Film 24 Day Challenge

Whether you are a believer in Christ, simply interested in investigating the Christian faith, or even a skeptic, let me give you what I call the 24- Day Challenge! The book of Luke has 24 chapters, so my challenge to you is to simply read one chapter a day for 24 days. There is no substitute for being exposed to this first-century, first-hand account of the life of Jesus Christ. - Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor of The Moody Church
