The JESUS Film 24 Day ChallengeEjemplo

"The JESUS Film 24-Day Challenge: Day 13"
In this chapter, Jesus made it clear that God expects our lives to be like trees that bear fruit; in other words, we’re to live for God’s praise and glory. If our lives aren’t fruitful in this way, we’re a disappointment to Him.
Jesus also plainly described two types of people. Some will enter the Kingdom of God, and others will choose to remain outside the Kingdom, living life as they please. But one day the “narrow door”—the window of time during which humanity has the opportunity to seek God—will close. Then the choices these people made will be final, and many will be turned away from God and consigned to hell—a place described as being filled with “weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Luke 13:28).
While the truth about hell is uncomfortable, it reminds us of our need for a Savior. We are all “workers of evil” who deserve punishment (Luke 13:27). Thankfully, through the sacrifice of His Son, God provided a way to Himself.
- Jesus always emphasized that there were two kinds of people, those who accepted Him and those who rejected Him. Why are some people in one group or the other?
- Jesus told the sobering storyof people who will expect to get into heaven but will be told they aren’t welcome. Why do you think these people were deceived about their relationship with God?
- What does Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem show about His compassion for people?
- From what you have learned about Jesus so far, why do you think some people might still reject Him? Have you accepted Him?
Father, help this difficult truth about people being lost forever motivate me to share about Jesus and His way of salvation. Help me love others enough to warn them of the danger. Bring to mind people who I can tell about Jesus’ love and His desire to save all who come to Him. Thank You for the privilege of walking on the narrow way, and not the broad way that leads to destruction.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Acerca de este Plan

Whether you are a believer in Christ, simply interested in investigating the Christian faith, or even a skeptic, let me give you what I call the 24- Day Challenge! The book of Luke has 24 chapters, so my challenge to you is to simply read one chapter a day for 24 days. There is no substitute for being exposed to this first-century, first-hand account of the life of Jesus Christ. - Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor of The Moody Church