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The JESUS Film 24 Day ChallengeEjemplo

The JESUS Film 24 Day Challenge

DÍA 14 DE 24

"The JESUS Film 24-Day Challenge: Day 14"


Do you want to be honored in front of others? If we’re honest, most of us do. In this chapter, Jesus told a parable about a wedding feast. As the guests were streaming in, everyone took a seat. Many people might try to grab a seat of honor for themselves—but Jesus praised the person who deliberately chose a lower place at the table.

Jesus values humility, and He perfectly models it for us. However, many people who claim to be Christians are far more concerned with receiving honor than they are with being humble and serving others. In telling this parable, Jesus pointed out to His disciples the sinfulness of this mindset. He showed them that they had to humble themselves in ministry, knowing that God would one day honor them in His Kingdom.


  • How can we display the kind of humility that Jesus praises in His story about the wedding feast?
  • In the parable of the banquet, when some of those who were invited refused to come, Jesus said that the servants would go out into the streets to invite others. How does this story apply to you?
  • Jesus told His disciples that they should “take up their cross” and follow Him. How do you think this can be applied today?
  • What benefits do you think will come to those who are willing to follow Christ?


Father, I choose to humbly serve and obey You. Help me not to do anything just to gain honor from others, but help me seek only the honor that comes from You.

I want to be one of those who comes to Your feast and enjoys Your presence, and then follows You with my whole heart. Help me to want Your approval above all others in all that I do.

In Jesus’ name, amen.


Día 13Día 15

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The JESUS Film 24 Day Challenge

Whether you are a believer in Christ, simply interested in investigating the Christian faith, or even a skeptic, let me give you what I call the 24- Day Challenge! The book of Luke has 24 chapters, so my challenge to you is to simply read one chapter a day for 24 days. There is no substitute for being exposed to this first-century, first-hand account of the life of Jesus Christ. - Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor of The Moody Church
