Precious Moments That Count For EternitySample

Revelation Brings Hope
The world we live in believes that ‘ignorance is bliss’. But in God’s kingdom, ‘knowledge is bliss’ or ‘ignorance is a curse’. Not knowing about eternity and the King causes you to live a careless life. When we realize that this is not our home and the life that we live is not even a drop in the ocean of eternity, we get serious about it.
God desires that His people know Him personally. 1 John 5:12 says, He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. Eternity is assured when a loving relationship with Jesus is maintained with the help of the Holy Spirit. When God’s Son, Jesus, died in our place on the cross, He tasted death for all of us. This is the reason why when anyone who is in Christ passes away, they don’t die, but they sleep or rest in Him. Acts 7:60 says, Then he (Stephen) knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin”. And when he had said this, he fell asleep. When one sees and believes the proof of what happens after this life is over, the sting of death is removed, uncertainty is changed to an assurance of a glorious hope, which wipes out all traces of sorrow.
The people of this world do not have this hope, because they do not have a relationship with God through his Son, Jesus. Therefore, for them, death is a very painful experience and a lot of uncertainty saddens their heart. If you have not invited the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Savior and Lord of your life, what are you waiting for? Today is the day of salvation!
Father, thank You, for the comfort we experience in Your Son, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, for doing it all for us on the cross. We open our heart for more of Your revelation. Holy Spirit, lead us in this faith, hope and love-filled life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
The world we live in believes that ‘ignorance is bliss’. But in God’s kingdom, ‘knowledge is bliss’ or ‘ignorance is a curse’. Not knowing about eternity and the King causes you to live a careless life. When we realize that this is not our home and the life that we live is not even a drop in the ocean of eternity, we get serious about it.
God desires that His people know Him personally. 1 John 5:12 says, He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. Eternity is assured when a loving relationship with Jesus is maintained with the help of the Holy Spirit. When God’s Son, Jesus, died in our place on the cross, He tasted death for all of us. This is the reason why when anyone who is in Christ passes away, they don’t die, but they sleep or rest in Him. Acts 7:60 says, Then he (Stephen) knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin”. And when he had said this, he fell asleep. When one sees and believes the proof of what happens after this life is over, the sting of death is removed, uncertainty is changed to an assurance of a glorious hope, which wipes out all traces of sorrow.
The people of this world do not have this hope, because they do not have a relationship with God through his Son, Jesus. Therefore, for them, death is a very painful experience and a lot of uncertainty saddens their heart. If you have not invited the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Savior and Lord of your life, what are you waiting for? Today is the day of salvation!
Father, thank You, for the comfort we experience in Your Son, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, for doing it all for us on the cross. We open our heart for more of Your revelation. Holy Spirit, lead us in this faith, hope and love-filled life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
About this Plan

It is our prayer that it will reveal to those who don’t know Jesus Christ, that there is a Creator and Maker of this universe, the only loving and powerful God who longs for a personal relationship with every human being. We pray that these daily readings will remind us all of the great hope and abundant joy in knowing Jesus Christ, through whom we have eternal life!