Precious Moments That Count For EternitySample

The Apple of God’s Eye
You may have heard the phrase: ‘She is the apple of her Daddy’s eye.’ It portrays the protective love a father has for his daughter.
In the Hebrew translation, the word ‘apple’ in the above verse, literally means the pupil of the eye. The eye is the most delicate organ of the human body and the pupil is the most tender part of the eye. God loves His children so much, that He considers them as precious as the pupil of His eye. He is so protective of us, that He declares that anyone who tries to harm us is actually trying to harm Him. God will not just sit by and do nothing when we, the ‘apple’ of His eye, are treated badly.
He guards us and will be a wall of fire around us (Zechariah 2:5). Aren’t you delighted to know that your Heavenly Daddy loves you more than any earthly father could love his child? You don’t need to worry when people take advantage of you or try to mar your reputation by speaking ill of you. Remember, what they do to you, they are doing to God, and He will defend your cause. He says, I will render vengeance to My enemies, and repay those who hate Me (Deuteronomy 32:41b).
You don’t have to fight your battle, nor should you entertain evil thoughts towards your enemies. The One who loves you as the apple of His eye will fight on your behalf.
I am the apple of God’s eye and He will be a wall of fire around me. Therefore, I will fear no evil.
You may have heard the phrase: ‘She is the apple of her Daddy’s eye.’ It portrays the protective love a father has for his daughter.
In the Hebrew translation, the word ‘apple’ in the above verse, literally means the pupil of the eye. The eye is the most delicate organ of the human body and the pupil is the most tender part of the eye. God loves His children so much, that He considers them as precious as the pupil of His eye. He is so protective of us, that He declares that anyone who tries to harm us is actually trying to harm Him. God will not just sit by and do nothing when we, the ‘apple’ of His eye, are treated badly.
He guards us and will be a wall of fire around us (Zechariah 2:5). Aren’t you delighted to know that your Heavenly Daddy loves you more than any earthly father could love his child? You don’t need to worry when people take advantage of you or try to mar your reputation by speaking ill of you. Remember, what they do to you, they are doing to God, and He will defend your cause. He says, I will render vengeance to My enemies, and repay those who hate Me (Deuteronomy 32:41b).
You don’t have to fight your battle, nor should you entertain evil thoughts towards your enemies. The One who loves you as the apple of His eye will fight on your behalf.
I am the apple of God’s eye and He will be a wall of fire around me. Therefore, I will fear no evil.
About this Plan

It is our prayer that it will reveal to those who don’t know Jesus Christ, that there is a Creator and Maker of this universe, the only loving and powerful God who longs for a personal relationship with every human being. We pray that these daily readings will remind us all of the great hope and abundant joy in knowing Jesus Christ, through whom we have eternal life!