Prayers: A Journey Through EurasiaSample

How to Pray for Muslims
Currently numbering more than 1.6 billion worldwide, the Muslim population is growing faster than any other religion and is projected to outnumber Christians in the next 40 years. Islam is present in nearly every country worldwide, mainly due to immigration and a high birth rate. Still, the largest concentration of Muslims is in the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia.
The word Islam means “submission.” Muslims submit to their god, Allah, and his revelation given to the prophet Muhammed. By their good deeds, Muslims hope to convince Allah of their devotion to him and earn a place in paradise. The five pillars of Islamic doctrine are faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and performing the hajj (a pilgrimage to Mecca). Additionally, devout Muslims try to live righteously by abstaining from alcohol, dressing modestly, and avoiding pork. But even the best Muslims have no assurance of their place in paradise until Allah weighs their good deeds against their evil ones.
The lack of workers remains the major obstacle to reaching Muslims. Of the 4,400 unreached people groups in the world, nearly 3,000 of them are Muslim. All need full-time Christian workers.
Pray for the Muslims of the world:
- Pray for a hunger for truth among Muslims. May they feel Allah’s silence and turn to Jesus to meet their spiritual hunger.
- Pray for the supernatural working of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is appearing to Muslims around the world through dreams and visions. Pray that these revelations of Jesus will continue and Muslims will connect with someone who can lead them to Christ.
- Pray for Christians to have access to Muslim communities. Muslim countries do not welcome Christian missionaries. Those who find creative ways to enter the country need opportunities to build relationships with Muslims.
- Pray for the “man of peace.” Workers among Muslims actively seek out individuals the Holy Spirit is already drawing to become partners in reaching their communities. Pray that the Holy Spirit would lead them to these people, commonly called “the man of peace.”
- Pray for laborers among Muslims. Most Muslims have never met a believer and do not have a church in their area. Pray that those called to work among Muslims will be well-supported with love, resources, and encouragement from their churches at home.
About this Plan

Prayer is the most essential work of missions. Journey through the geographic regions of Eurasia to pray for its unreached people.