Prayers: A Journey Through EurasiaSample

How to Pray for Hindus
Hinduism is the ancient religion of India and the third-largest religion in the world. Hinduism teaches that truth is not found in a single source. Instead, aspects of truth can be found in all religions.
Hindus have local temples where they can go to pray, but Hinduism is not rooted in communal services; instead, family shrines are the center of their worship. Prayers are offered in the home, accompanied by fruit, flowers, or incense offerings. The pantheon of gods allows Hindus to choose which deity they offer prayers and offerings based on their personal needs. Some Hindus will choose one god, and others will choose many.
Though individual beliefs may vary, there are two uncompromising doctrines of Hinduism --- karma, and reincarnation.
A Hindu’s goal is to attain oneness with the creator-god Brahma through good works and virtuous living. Until this is achieved, a person will be reborn again and again, facing the consequences of actions in the past life. Hindus never know if they have done enough in this life to break free from the cycle of reincarnation. This uncertainty leads to fear and superstition.
Pray for Hindus to come to know the One who gave His life to secure their eternal fellowship with the Creator.
Praying for Hindus:
- Pray that every Hindu will hear the gospel in a way they understand. Many have never met a follower of Jesus. 250 million Hindus do not have the Bible in their language.
- Pray that the supremacy of Christ will be revealed to Hindus. Most will readily accept Jesus and simply add him to the list of spiritual beings they worship.
- Pray that Hindus from all castes will accept the great love of Christ. Most Hindus who come to Jesus are from the lowest castes. When they hear the gospel, they learn for the first time that they are loved and valuable. The highest castes have been resistant to the gospel, considering it a poor man’s religion.
- Pray for courage and perseverance for Christians in Hindu communities. Those who follow Christ are often cut off from their families or suffer violence from militant Hindus.
- Pray for a young generation of Hindus facing new levels of temptation. Pray against greed and materialism as job markets open for young professionals in technical fields.
About this Plan

Prayer is the most essential work of missions. Journey through the geographic regions of Eurasia to pray for its unreached people.