Prayers: A Journey Through EurasiaSample

Praying for Eurasia Northwest
Eurasia Northwest stretches through seven fertile and beautiful nations between Russia and Europe. These seven countries are a blend of European modernity and old-world charm. Cities are centers for high-tech innovations – like Skype, invented in Estonia – and rural villages are home to peasant farmers. Every country in Eurasia Northwest has a rich history and culture. Armenia and Georgia, for instance, are considered the world’s first Christian nations, dating back to the first century. But centuries of foreign occupation have disillusioned the people of these countries with religion and political ideology.
After the Iron Curtain's fall, Eurasia Northwest nations have struggled to find meaning and understand their spiritual identity. They are among the most disenchanted people in the world.
Many have turned to drugs and alcohol to fill their spiritual void. Depression and suicide are widespread. Abortion, human trafficking, and AIDS are all problems of mass proportions.
As Catholic or Orthodox Church members, many in Eurasia Northwest would consider themselves Christians. But most have no experience with the Church apart from their baptism as infants. Church attendance is low, and more than half have never read the Bible. The truth is, most traditional “Christians” in Eurasia Northwest have never heard the gospel. But God is on the move. Believers in Moldova, the poorest nation in Europe, represent less than two percent of their population but are full of evangelistic zeal. In Estonia and Lithuania, churches are being planted in cities that have resisted the gospel for centuries.
Prayer has opened doors in Eurasia Northwest, and the good news is advancing.
Pray for Eurasia Northwest:
- Pray for workers to take the love of Jesus to the hundreds of villages of Eurasia Northwest with no gospel witness.
- Pray for an awakening among the churches of Eurasia Northwest. Ask the Father to pour out the Holy Spirit as He did on the Day of Pentecost.
- Pray for wholeness for the people of Eurasia Northwest. Jesus alone holds the hope that can set them free from addiction, depression, and abuse. Pray for families to be reconciled to the Father and each other. Pray for orphans to be loved by the Church.
- Pray for churches to be planted among the unreached.
- Pray that the overwhelming number of secular atheists would have hearts softened to the gospel. Pray for hunger that drives them to Jesus.
About this Plan

Prayer is the most essential work of missions. Journey through the geographic regions of Eurasia to pray for its unreached people.