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Prayers: A Journey Through EurasiaSample

Prayers: A Journey Through Eurasia

DAY 2 OF 14

Praying for the Arab World

The ancient lands of the Arab World contain some of the most unreached peoples in the world. The 16 coun­tries spanning North Africa, the Arabian Gulf, and the Middle East have been overwhelmingly Islamic for 14 centuries. Though these countries are often viewed as monolithic in culture, each nation is unique in its history and is home to dozens of distinctive people groups.

Each people group represents specific needs and requires believers who will commit to living the gospel ful­ly among them – regardless of the cost.

Peace is ever elusive in the Arab World. Political differences, religious battles, tribal divisions, and boundary disputes have caused some nations to be in perpetual conflict for years. Other countries, however, have known relative peace, and several na­tions are working to create societies that model tolerance for the region. These forward-thinking Arab countries cur­rently have a window of opportunity for the gospel as they have somewhat favorable policies to Christians. There is no guarantee that this will last, though, and every effort must be made to reach these nations while the chance exists, however small.

Egypt contains 25% of the Arab World’s population and has the largest church – making it pivotal for strate­gic church planting. Saudi Arabia, con­sidered the birthplace of Islam and the destination of all Muslims on their haj (pilgrimage), is a spiritual stronghold shaken with unprecedent­ed turning to Jesus. Libya has seen more people come to Jesus in the last 10 years than the last 1,400 before that.

Despite the war, oppression, pov­erty, and extreme resistance Islamic rad­icals, more people in the Arab World have accepted Christ in the last two decades than in the previous two thou­sand years combined.

Pray for the Arab World:

  • Pray for the unreached people groups in the Arab World. Many need Bible translation into their heart language. All need churches planted among them. Pray for the gospel to reach them in this generation.
  • Pray for workers for the millions of unevangelized in the Arab World. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
  • Pray for God’s people in the Arab World. Pray for Christians to speak boldly about their faith at the right time, to the right people.
  • Pray for those displaced or wounded by war and those consumed with hatred. Pray for a revelation of the Father’s love to bring true peace.
  • Pray for God to continue to increase the supernatural revelation of Jesus in the Arab World.


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