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1 Pedro 3

Te bila ya sc'an ya spas te mach'a nujbinemique
1Ja' nanix jichex uuc antsetic, junuc me awo'tanic ch'uunbeyaic smandal te amamlalique,#Ef 5.22; Col 3.18. swenta yu'un teme ay ma ba xch'uunejic sc'op Dios te amamlalique, tic' ya xch'uunic a teme ya yilic te bit'il lec spisil te bila ya apasique. 2Tic' nax a teme toj ya x'ainat ta q'uinal ya yile soc teme awich'oj ta muc' ya yile. 3Ma me ja'uc awutsilalic te ya ach'al abaic ta ilel ta stojol te ants-winiquetique. Jich bit'il teme c'axem to xan ya ach'al ta tesel te ajolic, soc teme ya awuanic ualiletic te pasbil ta oroe, soc teme ja' nax ya smulan awo'tanic slapel te t'ujbil c'u'ul-pac'al te bayal stojole.#1 Ti 2.9. 4Ja' me xach'al abaic a te yutsil awo'tanique soc te lamal awo'tanique. Ja' me ach'alilic te ma sna' xlaje te bayal yutsil yo'tan Dios yu'une. 5Jich bit'il te namey q'uinal antsetic te la xch'uunic te Diose, ja' la xch'al sbaic a te yutsil yo'tanique, soc la yich'ic ta muc' te smamlalique. 6Jich bit'il te Sarae, la xch'uunbey smandal te Abrahame. “Cajwal”,#Gn 18.12. xi' ta stojol. Jich yu'un ja'ex antsetic, yantsil-alex Sara teme lec te bila ya apasique, soc teme ma'yuc bila ya xiw awo'tanic yu'un.
7Ja'ex uuc winiquetic te nujbinemexe, jich nix ayuc me sp'ijil awo'tan te ya xcuxinat ta q'uinal soc te awiname. Ich'a ta muc' te antse, te melel jteb staelic.#Ef 5.25; Col 3.19. Ja' me x'ana'ic te pajal ayex ta c'uxtayel yu'un soc te Diose, ja' te pajal ya yac'botic jcuxlejaltic soque. Jich ma'yuc bi ya smaquex a te c'alal ya ac'oponic te Diose.
Te bila ya sc'an ya spas te mach'atic xch'uunejic te Diose
8Ta slajibal ya calbeyex: junuc me awo'tan abaic ta apisilic, na'beya yo'bolil abaic, soc c'ux me x'awaiy abaic ta awo'tanic te bit'il awermano abaique. Jech na'beya me aba ac'uxulic. Soc peq'uel me xawac' abaic ta stojol te awermanotaque. 9Teme ay mach'a amen te bila ya spasbeyexe, ma me xasujt'esbeyic spacol. Soc teme ay mach'a ya yixtac'optayexe, ma me xawixtac'optayic uuc. Ja' lec c'anbeyaic bendición ta stojol, melel ana'ojic te ja' swentail te ic'bilex yu'un Dios te ya x'ac'botex bendición uuc te ja'exe. 10Te melel jich ts'ibubil jilel ta Sjun te Diose:
“Te mach'a ya smulan lequil cuxlejal ta q'uinale, soc teme ya sc'an te lec nax ya xc'ax yu'un te jujun c'aale,
ac'a scom yac' ta yalel bol c'op,
soc ac'a scom sti' ta yalel te lotil c'ope.
11Ac'a jiluc yu'un te bila amene; ja' ac'a spas te bila leque.
Ac'a me sle te lamal q'uinale; ja' ac'a me st'un.
12Melel te Cajwaltic tey me yac'oj sit ta stojol te mach'atic toj te bila ya spasique,
soc ya me x'aiybot sc'opic yu'un te c'alal ya sc'oponique.
Ja'uc me to, contro ya x'ilotic yu'un te mach'atic ya spasic te bila amene”,#Sal 34.12-16. te xie.
13Teme ja' toyol awo'tanic ta spasel te bila leque, ¿mach'a c'an yuts'inex yu'un? 14Manchuc teme ya xc'ax awocolic yu'un te bila lec ya apasique, ja'uc me to, bin nax me awutsilic yu'un.#Mt 5.10. Ma me xiwex yu'un teme ay bila ya sc'an ya spasbeyexe, soc ma me x'ayan awo'tanic yu'un. 15Ich'aic ta muc' ta awo'tanic te Cajwaltic Cristoe.#Is 8.12-13. Chapaluquex me spisil ora ta sujt'esbeyel sc'opic te mach'atic ya sjojc'obat te bit'il ay te bin nax awo'tanic ta smaliyel te bila ya x'ac'botex ta apisilic yu'un te Diose. Lamaluc me awo'tanic ta stojolic soc sbelal me xc'opojex. 16Lecuc me spisil te bila ya apasique. Jich me senel nax awo'tan ya awaiy yu'un. Swenta yu'un te mach'atic jowil nax ya yalbeyex amen ac'oplalic ta scaj te ach'uunejic te Cristoe, ya me xq'uexawic yu'un te bit'il ma meleluc te bila ya yalique. 17Teme jich ya sc'an Dios te ya xc'ax awocolique, ja' lec teme ja' ta swenta te bila lec ya apasique. Ja' wocol teme scaj te bila amen la apasique.
18Melel jich nix uuc te Cristoe, jc'axel nax c'ax swocol ta lajel yu'un te jmultique. Jich ya xju' te ya yic'otic ta stojol te Diose. Te jo'otic te ma tojuc co'tantic, ja' jeloltic ta woclajel stuquel te Mach'a toj yo'tane. Ac'ot ta lajel soc te sbaq'uetale, ja'uc me to, cha'cuxesot tel soc te xch'ulele. 19Jich ba sc'opon te xch'ulel ants-winiquetic te ayic ta chucjibale. 20Ja' xch'ulelic te mach'atic ma la xch'uunic mandal ta namey te c'alal ay ta q'uinal a te Noé. Dios ts'icbotic yu'un, ja' to c'alal ju' ta pasel te barco ta bay ma tsoboluc te colique. Waxactul nax te la yich' coltayel te ma ba lajic yu'un te ja'e.#Gn 6.1—7.24. 21Pajal c'oem sc'oplal soc te ja' te ya x'ac'bototic quich'tique, melel ja' ta swenta ich'ja' te ya quich'tic coltayel yu'un ta ora to. Ma yu'unuc ya spocbotic loq'uel xch'ailel jbaq'uetaltic te ja'e. Ja' nax ya calbeytic wocol Dios te yacuc stup'botic ta co'tantic spisil te jmultique. Jich ya quich'tic coltayel ta swenta bit'il cha'cux tel te Jesucristoe. 22Soc te bit'il mo bael ta ch'ulchane, jich ayix ta swa'el sc'ab te Diose. Ay ta ch'uunel smandal yu'un spisil te ch'ul abetetique soc te mach'atic yich'oj yat'elic ta stojolic soc te jmandalteswanejetic yu'unique.

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1 Pedro 3: TZOXCH





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