Powerful Prayers To Protect The Heart Of Your ChildVoorbeeld

Powerful Prayers To Protect The Heart Of Your Child


DAY FIVE: Pray with Edifying Words  

Parents, the home environment is the product of the words we speak. Many children fail because of the effects of negative and destructive words. Many marriages end in divorce from the harmful impact of words that cause a wounded heart.

Words can create miracles and also failures. What you say will locate you, establishing the level where you live your life. You cannot live above your own words. If you declare defeat, anxiety, sickness, or disbelief, you will live at that level.

Guard your lips with goodness. Defeat the strategies of the enemy in our lives.

Abba Father, Your Word is truth. In the name of Jesus I believe for divine intervention for my family and my children. Help me to be obedient and to allow the Holy Spirit to teach me every day to establish a spiritual security system of divine protection around my family.

Father, I surrender my children to Your care, and I have confidence that they will be blessed by Your faithfulness and great love toward them. I pray that love and truth never depart from my children and that these attributes will be engrained in their hearts, that they may obtain esteem and favor with You. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

These devotionals are based on Powerful Prayers to Protect the Heart of Your Child by Iris Delgado.

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Powerful Prayers To Protect The Heart Of Your Child

Being a parent means being a prayer warrior. Best-selling author Iris Delgado teaches you how to pray to protect your child from spiritual attack, and expose them to spiritual blessing.
