Character CheckIsampula

Character Check



After his victory over Goliath, Saul appointed David as commander of the army. David continued to serve under Saul, and he succeeded in everything he did. It was obvious the Lord was with David, and this made Saul jealous and afraid. Saul threw spears at David with the intent to kill him at least three times. The rest of 1 Samuel documents how David was on the run and in hiding because Saul was so determined to kill him. Essentially, Saul remained David’s enemy for the rest of his life. When given the opportunity to kill Saul, David spared his life twice because he refused to harm Saul or sin against him as the Lord’s anointed king (1 Samuel 24, 26). 

A serious observation can be made here: being anointed comes with a responsibility to live a life of integrity. 

David had been anointed to be the next king of Israel since he was a young boy. But, David served under Saul and stayed faithful to the Lord in between his anointing and the time when he was actually appointed to be king. Being anointed did not give David permission to undermine his leader’s authority and rush into his own position of leadership. Being anointed also did not mean David was exempt from opposition. David’s own leader threw spears at him, and each time David dodged out of the way and refused to retaliate. 

At some point in life, you may find yourself relating to David. Maybe you have been anointed for a specific assignment but have not been placed in a certain position yet. Maybe the Lord is teaching you how to continue serving faithfully. Maybe you are facing opposition, or maybe you are the one struggling with your leadership. Wherever you are, do not throw spears. Do not resort to gossip, slander, or manipulation in order to get ahead. Rise above your situation and let the Lord be your defender. Continue to walk with integrity and trust the Lord to have the final say. 

Have you been throwing spears? If so, how do you need to trust the Lord to defend you instead?

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Character Check

Many of us were taught that integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching. This is true, but integrity at its core is all about character. As Christians, we know the secret of how to live with integrity: the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. In this study, we are going to examine the life of David.
