Sabbath in the Psalms預覽

Walking with God's People
We live in an increasingly lonely world where it is far too easy to drift into isolation, detached and disconnected from good and life-giving community. In our isolation, we often turn inward and form an unhealthy reliance on our strength. When we feel that no one is on our side, we believe it is up to us to work hard and control our destiny. Time and time again, this self-sufficient mindset drains us, leaving us tired and empty. But we’re not meant to live this way! In Jesus, we have been forged into one united family, rallied around the cause of our King. This is a family that celebrates and mourns together. A family that bears with and encourages one another. Only by prioritizing the family of God are we surrounded by the support and love necessary to disengage from the rhythms of the world and reengage with the sabbath rhythms of the Spirit.
Reflect + Apply
Reflect on the relationships in your life that you would love to invest more deeply in. Write down a few names of people who come to mind and prioritize touching base or spending time in fellowship with them in the coming weeks!
Father, lead me away from isolation and into the beautiful community You purchased with your blood. Surround me with people who love You deeply!

As our calendars fill and margins slim, the frenetic pace and pressure of life begin to generate a constant flow of anxiety, stress, and fear. If left unchecked, this unsustainable striving will disconnect us from the peace and pace God intended for our hearts. God established the Sabbath to help us counter the chaos of striving. Sabbath is a day or season, where we stop, rest, and remember who God is and what He’s done. It’s an opportunity to declare once again that our confidence and hope are in God alone, not our abilities or wisdom.