Sabbath in the Psalms預覽

God’s Word is a Fountain of Life
No matter where you are, what you are walking through, or what you are carrying, you have access to everything you need for life and life to the full. How? Through the living and active Word of God, the Holy Scripture. This does not mean that you won’t experience hardship or tension or that you won’t still walk through dark shadows. But it does mean that you will have comfort in chaos and life in the struggle. When you don’t see the value and power available to you through the Word of God, when you don’t go to it first, and you don’t learn to depend on it, you’ll find yourself striving to find answers in all the wrong places. But God has already given you the greatest answer—His Word—and when you commit to knowing it, you can find peace, resting in His secure sovereignty and remembering His track record of coming through for His people.
Reflect + Apply
Read Psalm 119 in its entirety today and notice all the times the author finds joy in the word of God (His precepts, testimonies, laws, commands, etc.). Ask that God would spark that same kind of delight in your heart.
God, I praise you for the power of your Word. Would your Spirit keep the Word close to my heart, and would I long to find You within the pages of Scripture?

As our calendars fill and margins slim, the frenetic pace and pressure of life begin to generate a constant flow of anxiety, stress, and fear. If left unchecked, this unsustainable striving will disconnect us from the peace and pace God intended for our hearts. God established the Sabbath to help us counter the chaos of striving. Sabbath is a day or season, where we stop, rest, and remember who God is and what He’s done. It’s an opportunity to declare once again that our confidence and hope are in God alone, not our abilities or wisdom.