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Sabbath in the Psalms預覽

Sabbath in the Psalms


Dwelling with and Delighting in God

If you are not intentionally stopping and sabbathing with God, your mind and heart will become tuned, like a radio, to the frequency of the world and its ways. It might start off seemingly innocent, but over time, the message of maximization will be amplified until your life soundtrack goes like this: Do more. Take that mountain. Check that box. Wake up earlier. Never stop. Onward! Upward! Win! How do we counter this lie of needing to maximize every moment of every day? We meditate on the law of the Lord. We dwell with Him, leading to our delighting in Him. When we meditate on God and His good ways, we know that we already have all the provisions we need for a life of true and perfect joy.

Reflect + Apply

In what ways are you tempted to feel the need to maximize your life? As thoughts come to mind, lay them at Jesus' feet in prayer and ask Him to satisfy your heart fully.


God, I do not have to always have more of the world when I have all of You. Help me to delight in You and your law that I would be full of your grace.

按日 2


Sabbath in the Psalms

As our calendars fill and margins slim, the frenetic pace and pressure of life begin to generate a constant flow of anxiety, stress, and fear. If left unchecked, this unsustainable striving will disconnect us from the peace and pace God intended for our hearts. God established the Sabbath to help us counter the chaos of striving. Sabbath is a day or season, where we stop, rest, and remember who God is and what He’s done. It’s an opportunity to declare once again that our confidence and hope are in God alone, not our abilities or wisdom.
