Faithful: Leaving a Legacy of Integrity预览

Faithful: Leaving a Legacy of Integrity


Day 5: Ready - Focus - Run!

The Olympic games fascinate and intrigue me as suddenly strangers of many different languages, cultures, beliefs, and nations from all over the world gather together in one place with unity of sportsmanship, competition, and purpose. They all show up as representatives of each person in their home country, prepared in their body, spirit, and mind…to do their best, break new records, and win!

Athletes who run on a relay team line up on the track in their spots. With baton in hand to lead the race, the starting runners wait to hear the announcer tell them to get on their mark, get ready, and go.

After countless hours of training, they’re on alert, awaiting the sound of the starting pistol before running the race set before them. Those who win the race or beat their best time have kept their eyes on their goal. But competitors who focus more on the other racers often fall to the back of the pack and forfeit the prize. The team suffers or the team celebrates. In a physical race like this, there is only one winner.

In comparison and contrast, all who have put their faith in Jesus Christ and have set their sights on things above are running the race set before them, focused on reaching their heavenly home.

We are on the same team, encouraging each other to keep going, with eyes on the prize. We help one another when we stumble or fall, and we run together alongside our teammates. Enduring life’s trials and temptations filled with faith, hope, and love, we joyfully stay gospel ready, suited up in the full armor of God as our uniform.

With pure hearts, we aim for the prize to which God has called us heavenward in Christ. We focus our minds and remain steadfast on high alert, awaiting the sound of the last trumpet when Jesus returns and we complete the race with him, the author and finisher of our race. He is the anchor of the team!

This is the race that counts and produces unlimited true winners who will all win the prize of eternal life when they finish their race.

The goal when we get off track or run in the wrong direction is to repent, or, rather, get back on the track and turn towards Jesus, our everlasting prize. If we drop the baton, he picks it up for us, and when we run to him, he puts it back in our hand. The Holy Spirit encourages and tells us to keep running the race and to pass the baton to the next generation of runners who come behind us. They too are on the team, counting on us to leave a legacy of faith and integrity so they can find their way to the track and run their race to the end.

Jesus is the captain of our team who we refer to as the Body, and he began the relay race for us to run together! So regardless if you have been blessed to receive a life in Christ from taking the baton from someone else, or if you are the first in your line to put your faith in Jesus, take the baton from him, run your race, and pass the baton through all generations.


Jesus, as I put my faith in you and walk with integrity of heart, I will keep running my race to completion. I trust you to guide me, help me, and keep me in your care as I keep my eyes on you, the author and finisher of my faith. Amen

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Faithful: Leaving a Legacy of Integrity

Living faithfully starts with a transformed mind and daily decisions. It’s a partnership with God, living a life worthy of Jesus’ calling. His work was finished on the cross; our role is to stay faithful and finish the race. As Paul said in Philippians 3:14 (NLT), “I press on to reach the end and receive the heavenly prize.” This 6-day study offers practical steps for living with integrity and leaving a legacy of faithfulness. Provided by Legacy Book Publishing, co-written by Greg and Suzanne Grimaud. Find more resources on our website:
