Faithful: Leaving a Legacy of Integrity预览

Day 2: Honesty, Sincerity, and Generosity
If you search the Bible for the word “integrity” you will not find it in the New Testament. But if you search a thesaurus for similar words, you will recognize many teachings of Jesus and of Paul that clearly instruct us to live faithful lives of integrity. Here are some synonyms I discovered: sincere, truth, pure, genuine, character, and honest. I also found that integrity stems from the Hebrew root word, Tummah, which also translates as blameless.
Side note: If you have not studied the scriptures this way, I would encourage you to try it. Keep a prayer journal with your Bible to record verses that the Holy Spirit highlights to you. Underline words you’re drawn to. Research definitions, Biblical meanings, and cross-referenced scriptures. Ask the Lord to help you know how to apply it to your life. What is he speaking to your heart through his Word?
A well-known definition of integrity is: doing the right thing - through your words, actions, and beliefs - even when no one is watching. This means you make a practice of telling the truth and being trustworthy to show up and do what you said you would do.
It means your heart is sincere, honest, and not hypocritical towards others. This can be difficult, especially at work or on social media when it would be easier to go along with the crowd rather than walk away or speak kindness in one’s defense.
Integrity influences others when we are bold enough to stand up and do the right thing. Actions in love speak louder than words and cause crowds to take notice. And when your children pay attention and follow in your path, you’ve begun to leave a legacy of integrity to those who come behind you. What a blessed inheritance.
What greater wealth can you leave your children, grandchildren, and spiritual sons and daughters in the faith than to leave them with a generous legacy of honesty, sincerity, integrity, and eternal hope in the Lord?
God passed His inheritance to mankind through King David, to his son Samuel, and down through the ages, through Jesus, continuing through all generations to those who put their faith in His Son. As we follow the instructions God gave Samuel and we too “walk before the Lord faithfully with integrity of heart and uprightness,” He will establish our home, in HIM! This is our inheritance and legacy. It is a generous gift given to us through the grace of God, our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
We are all leaving a legacy to others even if unaware. With clean hands and pure hearts, let's walk with God, live upright lives, and leave legacies of integrity to all who come behind us. May the fire of our devotion to Christ light their way and may we all be found, by them, to be “Faithful!”
Listen to the powerful words of the song “I Want to Be Just Like You” by Phillips, Craig, and Dean, which I sang at our son’s baby dedication almost 25 years ago. Since then, by the grace of God, my heavenly Father changed me, taught me to walk a faithful life, and began to help me leave a legacy of integrity. This song says, “Lord, I want to be just like You, 'cause he wants to be just like me.” Our Son is just like me in many ways, and he is a faithful man of integrity. To God be all the glory.
Lord, teach us to be just like you, and may the fire of our devotion light the paths of those who follow in our footsteps. Thank you Jesus for walking with me and helping me to walk faithfully.

Living faithfully starts with a transformed mind and daily decisions. It’s a partnership with God, living a life worthy of Jesus’ calling. His work was finished on the cross; our role is to stay faithful and finish the race. As Paul said in Philippians 3:14 (NLT), “I press on to reach the end and receive the heavenly prize.” This 6-day study offers practical steps for living with integrity and leaving a legacy of faithfulness. Provided by Legacy Book Publishing, co-written by Greg and Suzanne Grimaud. Find more resources on our website: