Faithful: Leaving a Legacy of Integrity预览

Faithful: Leaving a Legacy of Integrity


Day 4: Walk Blameless, Righteous, and Upright

We’ve already studied how God told Samuel to “[...]walk before me faithfully with integrity of heart and uprightness[...].”We also learned the original sense of the word, “integrity” means “blameless,” and we know that to live in a right relationship with God and others, we must walk righteously. In order to understand how to do this, let’s take a closer look at some meanings of these words and apply the truth to help us live it out and leave it behind…as a legacy.

Authenticity and transparency are two words I often hear people talking about seeking in others. When they meet people who fit these descriptions, they know they are seeing the person for who they are, and trust is often built as a result. Though not all who share this sentiment are living a moral and honest life, I believe God created us with an inherent desire to live upright - conscientious, just, and honorable lives. A person of integrity will display these characteristics and will often attract others to him or herself because an upright, transparent heart speaks authentic love to others.

Over the years since God transformed my life, I’ve enjoyed taking my Bible with me to restaurants for breakfast or lunch. It started with my desire to be intentional about spending time in the Word and learning how to walk out being faithful with God’s help. As I grew in my relationship with Jesus, something interesting started happening as well.

Without a word, my actions were speaking my values to the waiters and waitresses. I’ve come to realize that not many Christians are in the habit of carrying their Bibles in public, and people take notice when you do. As my frequent morning meals created a routine, these once-strangers in the marketplace soon became friends, and they began to trust me as I showed them God’s love and kindness, calling them by name and asking about their lives. The Holy Spirit began drawing them to me, and one by one, a server would sit down in my booth, confess their sins, and ask for prayer.

The Lord was teaching me that if I seek Him first each day and am not ashamed of the gospel, he will establish his home in me. I would be given more opportunities to love his kids who were serving me a hot meal. As Christ refined me and taught me to act justly and with righteousness with all men, I began to understand how to live up to my new God-given name, “Faithful.”

It’s not really that hard. He wants us to love Him and love them. He is the one who directs their steps to us and He is the faithful one who will do the work through us…as we enjoy our breakfast. And when we do, we get to tell them Jesus loves them and wants a right relationship with them too. When they receive Jesus as their Savior, they are forgiven, blameless, and righteous and are able to live upright before the Lord.

Faithfulness and Integrity open the doors so others can encounter their living Hope! If you are up for the challenge, ask God to direct others to you, take your Bible to breakfast, ask the name of your server, and ask them to tell you two things about themselves. Be kind, treat them well and let the love of God shine through your life and draw them to him!


Based on Phil 1:9-11 - I pray your love grows deeper in knowledge and insight so you may discern what’s best, and I pray you remain pure, blameless, and filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ…until he returns in glory. All praise to God alone. Amen

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Faithful: Leaving a Legacy of Integrity

Living faithfully starts with a transformed mind and daily decisions. It’s a partnership with God, living a life worthy of Jesus’ calling. His work was finished on the cross; our role is to stay faithful and finish the race. As Paul said in Philippians 3:14 (NLT), “I press on to reach the end and receive the heavenly prize.” This 6-day study offers practical steps for living with integrity and leaving a legacy of faithfulness. Provided by Legacy Book Publishing, co-written by Greg and Suzanne Grimaud. Find more resources on our website:
