It Really Is Good News预览

It Really Is Good News


The Really Good News

When you begin to sit with the good news and let the Spirit direct your heart towards the love of Christ, you will find freedom as you receive His forgiveness and your new identity in Him. This is the place from which you “go” and make disciples. Your rising up to share Jesus will be a natural overflow of personal encounter with Him and his love.

Here’s the truth:

God loves you. You were created for unity with Him and for relationship with Him.

His plan from the beginning was to be with you.

Sin, however, separated you from life with God.

No one is good enough or can work hard enough to make right the problem of sin. You and I both are guilty of sin and rebellion.

Of walking away from God.

God sent his son, Jesus, to die on your behalf. He took your place– He was the solution.

Because of Jesus, you no longer have to be separated from God. You can come near Him and He will make His home in you.

Jesus died for you and was resurrected three days later. He lives and so can you. Forever and ever with Him!

You are saved by God’s grace. It is a free gift given to you through Christ. You couldn’t have worked hard enough to achieve this, and nothing you do will separate you from His love.

You have freedom in Christ! You are a new creation.

You are loved, cherished, anointed, set apart, chosen, and crowned with glory and honor!

We must go and live in light of this new found freedom.

The good news of Jesus isn't something we just believe and move past. We get to wake up every single day, look up, remember, and be changed!

Here is a 3 step tool to help you meditate on God’s goodness today:

Repent & Release -We want to take a daily posture of humility, asking the Lord to reveal to us our sin, so we can turn in repentance. Whatever sin and shame you carry today, bring it before the Father and know that he forgives you.

Receive - You are fully forgiven. No sin is too much or too heavy to bring before Jesus. When He died on the cross, he defeated sin and conquered death so that you could receive this free gift!

Rise -You have been given a new identity in Him. Share the love and forgiveness you have received with others around you!


Lord, I give you my sin and I ask for your forgiveness. Make me into the image of Jesus. I want your way over my own.

Lord, I receive the freedom you have given me through Jesus, and ask that this good news would fill me with the fullness of joy today.

Lord, may my identity in you take root in my heart. Send me today in light of your love into the world to give the good news away!

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It Really Is Good News

Jesus is the beginning and the end. Apart from Him we can’t do anything, but with Him, we have been given everything. And this is really good news! In this Plan, we'll dive into scriptures that help us understand the call of discipleship in light of the good news of Jesus.
