It Really Is Good News预览

It Really Is Good News



I am so glad you are joining me on this journey as we dive into being a disciple of Jesus. I hope this companion simplifies things for you as we sit with the “why” of our very existence: the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the beginning and the end. Apart from Him we can’t do anything, but with Him, we have everything. Jesus is the starting point of this discipleship journey as much as He is the end goal. In the first chapter of Acts it says he said, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth,” then he ascended!

Therefore we know that this is no small suggestion–it’s His plan. But with a mission, we have to understand the method. He has chosen to use ordinary people in ordinary places to take this good news to the world. One person and story at a time. We aren’t left alone in our own strength and ability to live this mission out. After giving the command to go and teach, he said, "I am with you always, to the end of the age."

Jesus promised that He wouldn’t leave His followers, but that He would always be with them. So He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell inside His children. God in us, with us, and working through us - an absolute miracle and a gift from God. We have also been given the infallible, unchanging, and divinely inspired Word of God to teach and reveal to us everything we need to know about God and life lived as His child.

This study isn’t meant to be a “how to” of making disciples, but instead a guide to helping you understand discipleship in light of the good news of Jesus.There is no end goal besides Jesus himself. We are going to sit with the truth of the gospel every day and meditate on what this looks like lived out in relationship with others.

Above all, I pray that over the course of the next ten days you come to know and love Jesus more.

He loves you and desires to be with you.


Jesus, you're with me and I am with you. Meet me in this moment as I read your Word and prepare my heart for your Good News. Holy Spirit, teach and remind me of your deep love for me. Help me to really see the good news as good news and may it change me forever. In Jesus name, Amen

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It Really Is Good News

Jesus is the beginning and the end. Apart from Him we can’t do anything, but with Him, we have been given everything. And this is really good news! In this Plan, we'll dive into scriptures that help us understand the call of discipleship in light of the good news of Jesus.
