Twenty Five Days of Christmas Devotions预览

Augustus Caesar, the first Roman Emperor under whom Rome went from being a republic to a mighty empire, was responsible for instituting “Pax Romana”, an age of Roman dominance that ensured the unconditional submission of nations to Rome. When he desired that the whole empire should be registered, every person in every nation left what they were doing and went to their hometown to be registered, no matter how much the inconvenience. So Joseph and pregnant Mary headed out to Bethlehem where shortly Jesus would be born. Yet, seven hundred years before that, God had declared through the prophet Micah that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. So you see it was not the mighty Augustus Ceasar but it was God who was in ultimate control, bringing about the fulfilment of His promised word.
When God declares that He will do something, no power in the universe will be able to stop Him. He is still working today in the midst of deep darkness and turmoil. None of His promises have fallen to the ground and He is watching over His word to fulfill it in your life in His proper time.

There is no better season than Christmas to dwell on the reason for the season. Over the next 25 days, we will look back at some key prophecies relating to the promised Messiah. We will also observe the lives and circumstances that surrounded the birth of Jesus. Above all, we will see how Jesus makes a difference in our lives both now and forever.