Twenty Five Days of Christmas Devotions预览

"That which has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit". Every person born into this world has been born of corruptible seed. For by the disobedience of the first man Adam, sin entered this world. Since then, sin has been entrenched in our very DNA, and every child is conceived in sin. That is why no matter how much you instruct or discipline a child, he will eventually do something wrong.
Jesus came to set right the wrongs of the first couple that sinned. He was not conceived by the corruptible seed of man but by the Holy Spirit. He came into this world - holy, undefiled, and pure. He knew no sin and did no sin. Though He was tempted in every way, yet He was without sin. This perfect Man, who perfectly understands all that you are going through is your perfect Saviour who will perfect you by His grace for His own glory and purpose.

There is no better season than Christmas to dwell on the reason for the season. Over the next 25 days, we will look back at some key prophecies relating to the promised Messiah. We will also observe the lives and circumstances that surrounded the birth of Jesus. Above all, we will see how Jesus makes a difference in our lives both now and forever.