Twenty Five Days of Christmas Devotions预览

"He shall be called wonderful counsellor". We live in a strange time where everyone is careful to say things that don’t offend others. The principle followed is to mind your own business and avoid soul-searching enquiries into other people’s lives. No one is willing to risk getting into trouble by giving corrective advice. Even trained counsellors are careful to avoid going into the deeper issues of the heart. As a result, people are left empty and unsatisfied with life.
Jesus came to this earth to be “the wonderful counsellor”. He understands the deeper need of your soul and what is required to revive your spirit. He will not be content with showering niceties and giving you superficial advice. Rather, His agenda is to expose the thoughts and intentions of your heart and to show you how they adversely affect your life. Then as you let His grace do a deep transforming work within your heart, you will be able to experience the fullness of joy that He gives.

There is no better season than Christmas to dwell on the reason for the season. Over the next 25 days, we will look back at some key prophecies relating to the promised Messiah. We will also observe the lives and circumstances that surrounded the birth of Jesus. Above all, we will see how Jesus makes a difference in our lives both now and forever.