Twenty Five Days of Christmas Devotions预览

A conservative analysis of the Old Testament would show how Jesus fulfilled at least three hundred prophecies regarding Himself and His coming to this earth. These were prophecies written hundreds to thousands of years before Jesus came to this earth by several prophets. Yet, they accurately predict not only the place where He would be born of a virgin, but also His ministry, betrayal, death, and resurrection. Not one of God’s words has failed to be fulfilled in its allotted time.
But what do these fulfilled prophecies tell us? They show us how God is faithful and mighty to carry out all that He has purposed. They demonstrate God’s dedication and planning in ensuring our salvation from sin and death. Finally, they remind us that if the prophecies about Jesus’ first coming came true, so will those regarding His second coming. When He comes again, will you have the confidence to meet Him, or will you shrink back in fear? (1 John 2:28)

There is no better season than Christmas to dwell on the reason for the season. Over the next 25 days, we will look back at some key prophecies relating to the promised Messiah. We will also observe the lives and circumstances that surrounded the birth of Jesus. Above all, we will see how Jesus makes a difference in our lives both now and forever.