Discovering the Identity of Jesus预览

Discovering the Identity of Jesus


When Nathanael meets Jesus, he’s stunned to discover that Jesus sees things that shouldn’t be possible, again implying that Jesus is a prophet. He calls Jesus “Rabbi,” “Son of God,” and “King of Israel.”

Jesus does not dispute the titles.

Finally, we read claims that Jesus makes about himself. He says, “you will see heaven opened,” indicating more evidence in the form of revelations will come. Further, Jesus alludes to Genesis 28:12 and claims to be the link between heaven and earth.

Moreover, Jesus calls himself the “Son of Man,” referring to the “one like a son of man” who came “with the clouds of heaven” and “was given… everlasting dominion” (Daniel 7:13-14). The title is vague enough that its significance can be missed. That way Jesus doesn’t stoke political fires among those who want a Messiah who will overthrow Rome. If Jesus identifies himself publicly as Messiah too soon, people will pressure him to meet expectations that differ from his intended plan.

Because his plan includes being the Prophet like Moses, the supreme Passover Lamb, the ultimate purification offering, and the great suffering servant before he is crowned King of all.

How can he be all these? The prophecies about the suffering servant supply a clue. The servant will die like a slaughtered lamb to bear people’s sin (Isaiah 53:7-12). But then “he shall prolong his days” (Isaiah 53:10).

Jesus will indeed die. But he will rise from the dead. And he will resurrect to life all who belong to him so that they may dwell with him forever.



We hope you enjoyed this plan! You can keep studying John with Discovering Good News in John, available here.


Discovering the Identity of Jesus

Discover what John’s Gospel reveals about Jesus’s identity. Find out why the religious leaders asked John the Baptist if he was the Christ, Elijah, or the Prophet. See what the titles “Lamb of God” and “Christ” mean and why they seemed at odds with each other. Discover why Jesus calls himself “Son of Man.” In this plan, Jean E. Jones walks you through the revelations of John 1.
