Discovering the Identity of Jesus预览

Discovering the Identity of Jesus


I often head to bed a little later than my husband. Since the lights are off, I put my smartwatch in flashlight mode so it illuminates my way. Before I had the watch, too often I bumped into the armoire or knocked over my water glass. The light dispels the darkness so that I can find my way safely to bed.

In today’s passage, John tells us that the Word is the true light coming into the world. The Word is not only God’s powerful expression of himself but also the light that dispels spiritual darkness so that people can find their way to God.

The Word is the true light, which is important because when it comes to spiritual matters, there are many false lights. In fact, Isaiah 50:10-11 warns people of the danger of living by their own lights (that is, manmade philosophies) instead of trusting God. It says living by false lights ultimately brings torment.

John explains that the light came first to his own people, but many rejected him. By “his own people,” John means Israelites (Jews). The Old Testament explains that God called the descendants of a man named Israel to be his own people. They became a kingdom whose purpose was to show all the nations what God was like and how to know him. But eventually, the Israelites abandoned God. So God took away their kings but promised to send a righteous king one day whose throne would last forever.

The Word brings good news. He gives the right to become children of God to those who receive him and believe in his name. They become his children by being born again—born of God rather than merely born of human parents.


Have you received Jesus and believed in his name? If not, what holds you back?


Discovering the Identity of Jesus

Discover what John’s Gospel reveals about Jesus’s identity. Find out why the religious leaders asked John the Baptist if he was the Christ, Elijah, or the Prophet. See what the titles “Lamb of God” and “Christ” mean and why they seemed at odds with each other. Discover why Jesus calls himself “Son of Man.” In this plan, Jean E. Jones walks you through the revelations of John 1.
