Discovering the Identity of Jesus预览

Discovering the Identity of Jesus


The religious leaders are abuzz. The prophet John the Baptist is baptizing many Jews in the Jordan River. But why? Converts to Judaism usually baptize themselves. Those born Jewish typically feel no need for baptism. Yet John is baptizing Jews for repentance from sin. Might the Baptist be one of the figures whom the prophets proclaimed would come?

The Jewish leaders question John. Some are priests who offer sacrifices and instruct in the law of Moses. Others are Levites who care for the temple and assist with worship. The Pharisees initiate the questions; they’re a politically powerful Jewish sect made up mostly of businessmen who consider themselves righteous because they adhere to strict rules about applying the law.

Many Jews are eager for three prophesied figures to come. (1) The Christ would be a descendant of King David and would rule as a righteous king forever (Isaiah 9:6-7). (2) Elijah was an ancient prophet who was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire; he would come before the Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5-6). (3) The Prophet would be a prophet like Moses to whom all must listen (Deuteronomy 18:15-19).

But when these leaders ask the Baptist if he is one of the three, he replies that he is not. Instead, he claims to be the herald of which Isaiah 40:3 speaks: “A voice cries: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.’” John is, therefore, in the wilderness baptizing to prepare people for a visit from the Lord God.

Nevertheless, his questioners miss the significance of his words.


How does a willingness to repent from sin prepare hearts for encountering God?


Discovering the Identity of Jesus

Discover what John’s Gospel reveals about Jesus’s identity. Find out why the religious leaders asked John the Baptist if he was the Christ, Elijah, or the Prophet. See what the titles “Lamb of God” and “Christ” mean and why they seemed at odds with each other. Discover why Jesus calls himself “Son of Man.” In this plan, Jean E. Jones walks you through the revelations of John 1.
