A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year预览

A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year


Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

We are all needy people.  We look all around us to find people or things to fill our needs.  We look to our finances to buy us things to make us happy, our husbands to make us feel valued (or special), a career advancement to make us feel important, and our children to make us feel loved. 

But these things will never completely fill the void inside of us because God did not create them to fill us; only He can do that. 

In order for me to find true happiness in life I need to acknowledge a few things:

  • I am a needy person.
  • Even though I try to fill the void in my life with material things or relationships, they will never fill that void.
  • I need God and must ask Him to meet me where I am and to fill me with His fullness.  

Once I come to grips with these truths, I am ready to tackle the problem of my neediness and constant discontentment issues.  But I must be honest with myself first.  

After you declare your empty state to God, ask Him to fill your void.  Ask God to quench your thirst to be valued, listened to, and acknowledged by your loved ones.  God may use your husband to fill a need in your life, but realize that God is the ultimate giver, not your husband. 

In viewing the world this way, you will take so much pressure off of your loved ones and begin to accept them as they are instead of placing unrealistic expectations on them all of the time. 

Pray this today:

I acknowledge today that I am a needy person.  Father, I ask that you will meet me where I am, and fill my every need.  My natural tendency is to look to my husband or my children to meet my needs, but God, I am realizing I should not do that. I must look to You.  Give me discipline to reprogram my mind to follow after You and to look to You for my happiness.

按日 11


A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year

Whether you are a first-time mom of a newborn or a seasoned mom of a teenager, Karen Stubbs knows that you need encouragement and a little time out. This 12-day reading plan will meet you where you are while encouraging and challenging you on your God-ordained journey of motherhood.
