A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year预览

A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year


Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.

Control is something we all yearn to have, grasping for it in different ways in our lives.  As a mom, we especially struggle with our need to be in control.  Not only do we try to control our world, we also try to control our children’s world.  It can be exhausting…at the end of the day, none of us are in control of anything. 

We tell ourselves that “if” we are in control, our world is safe and secure. This brings a false sense of security, which drives our need to manipulate and control outcomes in our lives. 

If we try to control our children–orchestrate who they can and cannot play with, which classroom they are assigned to in school, or which team they are put on in sports, then we feel we can set them up for the best environment possible and they will indeed succeed in life. 

But moms, we are putting way too much pressure on ourselves and on our children when we try to manipulate all these things. Sure, we are only trying to do what is best for our children, but we are putting way too much responsibility on us, as moms, and not relying on the Lord or His strength.  

God is in control.  God is sovereign over the smallest of details and the grandest miracles in life. If your child is placed in a classroom for the year and you believe it is a big mistake, trust God. Is it possible He allowed it to happen for a reason? Seek God for His wisdom, His strength and His sovereignty. God will not leave you or your child, but will guide you throughout your life. Trust God, He has the master plan. 

Pray this today: 

Thank You that You have a plan for my life and the life of my children. God, I pray that I will resist the urge to control, but instead will look to You for your guidance and wisdom. Lord, as I start this day, I am seeking Your face. Every step I take today, go before me…when I want to control, gently whisper in my ear that You’ve got this situation under control. 

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A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year

Whether you are a first-time mom of a newborn or a seasoned mom of a teenager, Karen Stubbs knows that you need encouragement and a little time out. This 12-day reading plan will meet you where you are while encouraging and challenging you on your God-ordained journey of motherhood.
