A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year预览

A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year


I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 

Jesus is the key to a joyful life–without Him you can do nothing. In order for us to tap into this gold mine of pure joy, we must abide with Him, or fully rest in Him. 

Picture in your mind trying to teach your child how to float. What words do you use, over and over, to get your child to relax and rest in your arms? My words were usually, "I've got you. Trust me."

It is the same in our relationship with Jesus. Jesus is calling us everyday to “rest” in Him, to abide in Him, to put our faith fully in Him. Jesus is telling us to not fight against Him, as a child might fight against us in the water, but to fully rest in Him. 

When we do choose to abide in Him, then we will begin to bear all the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  (Galatians 5:22)

So many times we pray for patience with our children, but we never seem to receive it.  Our prayers should not be for patience, but instead we should merely abide with Christ. Only then will we begin to bear the fruit of patience.  We receive the fruit of the Spirit once we begin to abide, or rest in Christ.  What would your life as a mom look like if you reflected Jesus? 

Your children would be drawn to you like a moth to a flame because you would be loving, joyful, peaceful, kind, good, faithful, gentle and full of self-control.  Who wouldn’t want to be around a person like that? 

Instead of trying to be the 'best mom,' abide with the One who has it all and allow Him to do it for you.  

Pray this today: 

Thank You that I don’t have to do it all; all I have to do is to abide with You.  So many times I struggle and fret and I do not get anywhere…except exhausted.  Thank You that I can rest in You and that from my rest Your fruit will start appearing in my life.  Only You could offer such peace. Thank you!

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A Reading Plan for Moms for the New Year

Whether you are a first-time mom of a newborn or a seasoned mom of a teenager, Karen Stubbs knows that you need encouragement and a little time out. This 12-day reading plan will meet you where you are while encouraging and challenging you on your God-ordained journey of motherhood.
