5 Days to Deal With Feeling Unappreciated at WorkÀpẹrẹ

God Makes All Things Fair
Jesus requires that we consider the interests of others above our own, just as he did. He died on the cross for our well-being when he was sinless. While we are not called to give our lives as a ransom, God does want us to serve one another. In that way, we die to our own ambition.
Serving others is never meant to be a negative thing for us. In fact, God is pleased when we ease the burdens of others. When God blesses us with abundance, it is not for us to simply store up for our comfort. According to 2 Corinthians 8, God expects that our abundance will supply the needs of others, and their abundance will supply our needs in other seasons. It’s all about what's fair.
When we talk about the marketplace, this might look like putting in a good word for a coworker for a new position or allowing another to take the credit for a job well done on a project. In due season, that same coworker might make sure you receive your due congratulations or nominate you for another role that they think might be a good fit. You may not see the reward of your sacrifice immediately, or even in this life, but God keeps record of all of our works (Romans 4:12) and will make it right at the right time. God will use others to make it fair for believers. You may not see the reward of your sacrifice immediately, or even in this life, but God keeps record of all of our works and will make it right at the right time.
Remembering that in due season, the abundance of others will bless us (Luke 6:38), we can confidently rest in allowing others to have the spotlight. In fact, we can help to speed up that process for others, knowing that God sees us and has something special in store for us. Let’s look for those moments to elevate others everywhere we go.
Identify one opportunity where you can go above and beyond to help someone — maybe going on the office coffee run, picking up groceries for a friend or family member, or sharing your expertise on a work project. Don’t think about how or when you’ll be paid back, but instead, concern yourself with the needs of the person you’re helping and sharing Christ with them.
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Have you ever felt unappreciated at work? If so, it can be difficult to continue to think the best toward people. However, there is one person who never undervalues us — Jesus. This five-day plan helps to combat negative thoughts about feeling unappreciated through Bible truths about God’s love for us.