When Your Way Isn't Working - a Study of GalatiansÀpẹrẹ

When Your Way Isn't Working - a Study of Galatians

Ọjọ́ 7 nínú 8

Have you ever had to carry something really heavy for a long distance? It can be incredibly tiring. Similarly, all of us carry burdens in our lives that feel like heavy weights from time to time. It could be a sin that we struggle with, a health issue we’re facing, trouble in a relationship, or something else. But whatever it is, it can feel like a heavy weight on our shoulders that we're tired of bearing.

According to Paul, we don't have to carry that kind of burden alone. As followers of Christ, we are instructed to carry each other’s burdens. This is more than a suggestion; it’s a command. Paul tells us that carrying each other’s burdens is how we fulfill the law of Christ. Paul isn’t saying that we have to do this to get God’s approval; he's saying that Jesus carried our burdens when he died on the cross and we can show people the love of Jesus by following his example.

So, what does it look like to carry each other’s burdens? It could be as simple as listening to a friend who’s struggling. It could be praying for someone or encouraging them through a tough time. It could be helping someone out with childcare or meals or something else as they go through a medical issue. There are many different ways we can help carry someone else’s burden. By doing so, we lighten their load and demonstrate the love of Jesus in practical ways.


Is there someone in your life you can reach out to right now to offer help, prayers, or encouragement? Can you offer to babysit, cook a meal, run an errand, or do some chores? What is one way you can bear someone else’s burden this week?

Bonus: Romans 12

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When Your Way Isn't Working - a Study of Galatians

Throughout this study, Paul is encouraging us to stay in step with the Spirit and follow the way of Jesus. Don't go your own way—that never works. Rather, we'll look at how Scripture impacts our lives, and why it matters so much to move toward it and live in pursuit of Christ.
