When Your Way Isn't Working - a Study of GalatiansÀpẹrẹ

When Your Way Isn't Working - a Study of Galatians

Ọjọ́ 2 nínú 8

What or who was Paul fighting against? Specifically, Judaizers who were trying to convince the churches in Galatia that they weren’t doing enough.

A Judaizer was someone of Jewish descent who believed in Jesus, but they felt that these new “non-Jewish Christians” (aka Gentiles) still needed to keep the laws established by the Torah—specifically, laws around circumcision and food, among others. The Judaizers came in saying: great, believe in Jesus. We do! But to be a part of God’s people, you, Gentiles, also need to follow Jewish customs and laws.

But remember what Paul passionately believed and taught—the Gospel, which is 'Jesus + nothing.' Not the Torah, not God’s Law established by Moses, not Jewish customs or traditions, or any religious rule-keeping.

Because of Jesus, there were no restrictions on who could be part of God’s family, Jew and Gentile alike.

Interestingly, Paul had already encountered this issue before with the apostle Peter. Peter was a Jew. And at one point, he became tempted to add back some Jewish customs in the 'Jesus + nothing' blank. Paul reminds the Galatians in verse 11 that he had to push back against Peter, and Peter relented and agreed.

The Gospel—what Jesus accomplished through his death on the cross and his resurrection from the grave—is everything. There is nothing we can do to earn salvation. Jesus has done it all. Believing and putting our faith in what Jesus has already done is enough.

According to Paul, if anyone puts anything in the 'Jesus + nothing' blank, that’s no longer the Gospel. It’s no longer even Good News. That’s bad news.

Paul uses one of the strongest Greek words available to him back then in Galatians 1:9: “If anyone preaches any other Good News than the one you welcomed, let that person be cursed" (emphasis added). The Greek word here is “anathema,” which means “damned,” “cursed,” or “devoted to destruction.”

What about us? Would we ever take our cues from Paul—resist and passionately push back against anything counter to the Gospel?

At some point in our lives, we will all face situations where we have the opportunity to push back in a manner that honors Christ and shows love for others.

Here's how to navigate those moments effectively:

Pray: Ask God for discernment, wisdom, courage, and strength to handle the situation with love and compassion.

Seek wise counsel: Gain perspective and guidance from trusted individuals on how to handle the situation with wisdom and grace.

If appropriate, have a conversation: Lead with love and sprinkle in truth, allowing wisdom to guide your interactions.

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When Your Way Isn't Working - a Study of Galatians

Throughout this study, Paul is encouraging us to stay in step with the Spirit and follow the way of Jesus. Don't go your own way—that never works. Rather, we'll look at how Scripture impacts our lives, and why it matters so much to move toward it and live in pursuit of Christ.
