James: Model of an Authentic Christian LifeÀpẹrẹ

James: Model of an Authentic Christian Life

Ọjọ́ 7 nínú 7

Would you rather carry a thirty-pound backpack down a football field, or carry a five-pound backpack for 50 miles over harsh terrain? Some tasks are hard but over quickly. Some easy tasks become heavy when they don’t lessen over time. Often our instinct is to fight against the circumstances.

James tells us to go against that instinct and, instead, to submit ourselves to God. God’s purpose is to change our lives so that we’re more like Christ. It's a process that will take the rest of our lives and can become weary and tiresome. Your child is sick, your relationships are falling apart, bills are piling up, or you feel lost and confused. Hopefully, it’s an “or” situation and not all of those together. Either way, James wants us to have hope. “Remember Job?” he says.

In a matter of days, Job lost everything: his children, his wealth, and his health. He finally asked God, “Why? Why is this happening?”

God didn’t tell him why. Instead, God showed Job God’s own character. Creator, sustainer of the universe, the one who gives strength. The one who tells the oceans, “You may come this far and no further.” (Job 38:11)

This far and no further. In suffering and times of struggle, God’s love, grace, and peace are on full display. The Lord is full of love for you. Sending Jesus to die for your sins proves that, and everything else in your life supports it. God can’t do anything less. Have faith, and hope. And if you need support, please reach out. We’ll be happy to pray for you.

Prayer: Dear God, this hurts. It’s hard. But I trust you. I know you love me. I know you want to make me more like Jesus. Give me the strength and faith to endure. Help me to know you better and to live changed. Amen

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Ọjọ́ 6

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James: Model of an Authentic Christian Life

James, the half-brother of Jesus, wasn’t one of Jesus’s twelve disciples. But as the Church grew after Jesus’s death and resurrection, he became one of the pillars of the Church. There's a lot we can learn from James about living out our faith in this Bible Reading Plan!
