Waha Disciple Making ChallengeÀpẹrẹ

Waha Disciple Making Challenge

Ọjọ́ 4 nínú 7

How seekers get to the point where they actually want to follow Jesus

Have you ever wondered how someone gets to the point where they are ready to give up their old life and follow Jesus? In today’s devotional, we will look at our role in God’s master plan of drawing men and women to Himself.

Read John 6:43-45:

Jesus answered them, “Do not grumble among yourselves. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. It is written in the Prophets, ‘And they will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me.

John 6:43-45 ESV

Take a moment to consider these questions:

  • When it says, “They will all be taught by God,” to whom is it referring?
  • According to this passage, what must happen for someone to come to Jesus?
  • How do you suppose we can help facilitate our friends learning from God?

Why unbelievers can be hesitant to meet Jesus and what we can do to help

Here’s a story.

There is a father who wants to teach his two-year-old to swim. He tried to get into the pool with his son, but the boy shrieked and clawed his way out. The father tried to encourage the little guy to get in the pool. He assured him it would be safe. He tried to entice him with pool toys. He even begged a little. But each time, the little boy shook his head.

The father gave up and instead enjoyed his own time in the pool. Eventually, he noticed his son watching him. He continued swimming but now loudly announced how pleasant the water felt in the hot sun. Eventually, the toddler edged his way over to the pool and dipped his toes in. The father playfully splashed the son, and before long, the boy laughed and splashed back.

Just as things got raucous, the father opened his arms and invited his son in once more. This time, the boy jumped in with joyful abandon.

How saying less helps them know God more

Sometimes, we don’t feel confident sharing our faith with our friends. We might worry we are not as well-spoken as our pastor, or we are too shy, or just not persuasive enough. The good news is that we don’t need to say much of anything to lead our friends to Jesus.

People need to learn from God, not us. We can use the Bible to help them. This means that if we want our friends to come to Jesus, the best thing we can do is introduce them to passages of scripture relevant to their lives and ask simple open-ended questions to promote their discovery.

This is called Discovery Bible Study (DBS). People everywhere use it to help others learn about Jesus. The Waha Discovery Bible Study App is available on iOS and Android platforms. This makes facilitating a DBS super easy through our “gather, press play, discuss” format.

Action step

Before we start doing Discovery Bible Studies with people who don’t know Jesus, we must talk to them! By now, you’ve been praying through the names in your conversation quadrant. Why not have a chat with one of them today? Don’t worry; you don’t need to give them a complicated gospel presentation or anything. Just check in and have a casual conversation. Either on the phone, through text messages, or meeting up for coffee, have a simple conversation and look for opportunities for the conversation to become more meaningful. Finally, don’t forget to continue praying over all the names on your list!

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Waha Disciple Making Challenge

Making disciples is a familiar yet misunderstood concept. Many feel that they lack the right gifting or personality to do it. However, disciple-making is not simply evangelism or a church program. In the Waha Disciple Making Challenge, we'll hear stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things for God’s Kingdom. Through scripture, we will discover what disciple-making means, then end each day with a simple, low-pressure action step.
