Waha Disciple Making ChallengeÀpẹrẹ

Waha Disciple Making Challenge

Ọjọ́ 3 nínú 7

What does it mean to make disciples?

Today, we are going to talk about Jesus’ last command, called the Great Commission.

Read Matthew 28:18-20:

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20

Take a moment to consider these questions:

  • Are disciple-making and evangelism the same thing?
  • How does Jesus define making disciples?
  • Whose responsibility is it actually to make disciples?

How to share your faith in a fun, natural, and stress-free way

Yesterday, you made a list of people far from God, and you prayed for them. Today, we will learn to naturally and peacefully share your faith with them when an opportunity presents itself.

Let’s look at a simple analogy.

Imagine that a man meets a woman and asks her to marry him right away. How do you think she would respond? Not too well, right?

That’s because an entire progression of relationships must happen before most people are ready for that level of life change and commitment. It’s the same in our relationships with those who are far from God. If we pop the question too soon and ask them to become followers of Jesus, they will likely say no. They have a progression of relationship as well.

Here is a helpful tool to understand how this progression works. It’s called the conversation quadrant.

The idea is simple. You want to have casual conversations with people that turn into meaningful conversations, spiritual conversations, and discovery conversations.

Casual conversations

In the casual quadrant, you will have light conversations, as you would with someone you just met. Even though it is casual, you should try to lead the conversation to meaningful or spiritual topics. So, we want to actively ask God to give us opportunities to make those conversations more meaningful.

Meaningful conversations

Meaningful conversations are much deeper. Talk about things that matter to them, like their problems or good things happening in their life. Ask God for opportunities for these conversations to become spiritual.

Spiritual conversations

Spiritual conversations happen when the topics of God or spirituality come into the conversation.

As with the other quadrants, we want to ask God for opportunities for these conversations to go to the Discovery Quadrant.

Discovery conversations

Discovery conversations happen when you talk about the Bible. You might share a verse or something you’ve learned from scripture recently.

Action step

Using the list of names you wrote down yesterday, put each person from that list in their appropriate quadrant based on the kinds of conversations you have had with them lately. Keep your conversation quadrant in a place that will remind you to pray and ask God for opportunities to progress your conversations into the next quadrant. When this happens, be sure to go home and move their name accordingly so you can keep praying.

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Waha Disciple Making Challenge

Making disciples is a familiar yet misunderstood concept. Many feel that they lack the right gifting or personality to do it. However, disciple-making is not simply evangelism or a church program. In the Waha Disciple Making Challenge, we'll hear stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things for God’s Kingdom. Through scripture, we will discover what disciple-making means, then end each day with a simple, low-pressure action step.
