Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 5)Àpẹrẹ

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 5)

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I’ve mentioned days of walking down our long drive to our rural mailbox with the thought of running away from the daily grind. I was longing for the sheer bliss of adult conversation, the thrill of leaving the bickering and conflicts behind, or the excitement of just going to the bathroom alone! You know, where little fingers don’t appear under the door, or some kid isn’t yelling at you to hurry or come fix a snack. Yes, you know.

On some days, my thoughts of running away were not from my selfish desires and daydreams of a simpler life, but because I was convinced that someone else would be better suited to raise my family. Losing my cool, raising my voice, not connecting well with my husband, and hormonal days all combined to convince me that my family would certainly be better off without me. They deserved someone better.

I never did leave, but I did entertain those thoughts long enough to head down a dark spiral of self contempt and hatred, more than once.

Sleep deprivation, having more than we can do alone, and the noise levels in our home can contribute to those dark thoughts. If we aren’t careful, we will find ourselves in a bottomless pit of despair, wanting an “out” for our present life. You understand. It’s not uncommon among moms.

How can we fight these despairing thoughts?

STOP them. Stay with me. First, simply stop. Period. Don’t do anything. Don’t take action. Don’t call someone. Don’t freak out. Stop!

Take those thoughts captive. Immediately! Grab them before they run wild, making more out of what’s going on than is really true. We are extremely proficient in allowing our thoughts to take us to the worst negative place possible. You have the power of God living in you, giving the ability to stop those thoughts.

Obey. Make those thoughts obedient to the Word of God. Apply His truth to your circumstances and thoughts. Recall scriptures that counter the negative thoughts. Reach out and ask someone to help you with truths to counter the lies, or dig deep into God’s word. Quickly recall your relationship with Jesus, remembering that as His daughter, you don’t have to be ruled by negative patterns.

Place your thoughts and circumstances at the feet of Jesus, waiting in expectation as you trust Him to work everything for your good and His glory, even when it doesn’t seem possible.

S.T.O.P.! Stop, take, obey, place. Remember this acronym when you are headed down the dead end road of negativity, bondage, and despair. You can overcome that despair!

Father, I admit I have been on this road too many times. Sometimes, it seems as if life is too hard, and I’m in the wrong place with the wrong people doing all the wrong things. Help me to STOP these negative thought patterns, knowing that you have placed me at this very time in history, with the very people who will shape me into who you desire me to be, even when I mess up. I want to choose perseverance, and push through the tough times. I choose to STOP those thoughts, trusting all my circumstances and people to you. I wait expectantly to see you at work. Your patience with me is inconceivable. I praise you for your love and grace--just for me!

Consider reading these scriptures from The Message.

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Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 5)

Encouragement from a mom who launched her seven children and lived to tell about it. Part 5 of 12 devotionals in this series from Robin Meadows!
