CHANGED! And Changing Still..Àpẹrẹ

CHANGED! And Changing Still..

Ọjọ́ 2 nínú 31

Changed In God’s Presence

Key Thought

Yesterday we read in Romans 12:2 “Don’t become so well- adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.”
So many of us try changing things from the outside first. I guess these are the obvious changes we need to make. The bible gives us great advice for this Christian journey - fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out.

It didn't take me long to work out that God changes us from the inside first. I know it doesn't always happen as quick on the inside but it seems to last longer. Maybe it's because of the prayerful conversations we have with God over the areas that need changing?

We don't have to wait until Sunday to be in God's presence. We can enter His presence at any moment of any day. I love finding a place where I can spend time with God. A place where I know I won't be distracted. Some place people won't ask me questions. I call this my secret place. It's probably not a secret place to everyone else - could be the front steps - but God and I know it's a place we meet and spend time together.

Time To Think

Do you have a secret place? How often do you spend time in God's presence?


Father, I steady my heart and I quiet my soul because I want to say I love You and I need You. Help me find places where we can meet together. Help me enter Your presence even if I can't get to that place. Thank you that You dwell in me and will never leave me. Amen.

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CHANGED! And Changing Still..

When we surrender to Jesus He changes us in a moment but we are still being changed everyday to become more like Him. This devotion deals with the everyday, ordinary changes that we all face in becoming more Christ-like. We are changed and changing still.
