The Reason for the SeasonÀpẹrẹ

The Reason for the Season

Ọjọ́ 8 nínú 10

Why Jesus Came—Part 2

“The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.” (John 1:9)

Unlike the other gospels, the gospel of John never mentions the virgin birth, but it tells us that at the right time, Jesus came to the earth he had made. He was God in the flesh—the Son of God who was sent to reveal the Father’s love. That love led him ultimately to the cross, for Jesus was also the Lamb of God who came to shed his blood as an atonement for our sins. In coming to this earth, he also came to experience everything we experience so that we would have the confidence to run to him for everything we need.

Do you ever get run down physically or emotionally or mentally? Are you tired even now? By taking on a human body, Jesus knew what it was to be tired. Have you ever been attacked by the devil? Ever been tempted? Jesus knows all about that, too. When you come to him, he doesn’t say, “What are you talking about?” He knows exactly what you’re talking about, and he says, “Come to me, and I will help you. I will put my arms around you and strengthen you to keep you from falling.”

Not only did Jesus get tired and not only was he tempted; he was also attacked and assaulted and rejected. His own earthly family turned on him, thinking he had lost his mind. The Bible also says that he wept; and on one occasion, the circumstances he was facing moved something so deep within him that he groaned before he could even weep. Have you ever groaned? Have you ever felt like saying, “God, I can’t make it through this”? Jesus knew what that was. In the Garden of Gethsemane, as he faced the cross, he prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

This Son of God, this Word who was with God in the beginning and who is God, came to earth so that you and I can come to him with all of our cares and all of our needs. He promised that he would never leave us or forsake us. And today he is still saying, “I know the pain that you feel; I know when you cry; I know when you can’t take it anymore!” No matter what we may be going through today, he understands, and his ear is attentive to our cry.

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior this Christmas, let’s have grateful hearts as we remember why Jesus came—to reveal the Father, to die for our sins, and to experience all that we go through so that we will have the confidence to run to the throne of grace to receive his mercy and help in our time of need.

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

The Reason for the Season

In a brand new devotional series titled, The Reason for the Season, Pastor Jim Cymbala provides fresh insight into the Christmas story. As he addresses the unspoken sadness that many carry at this time of the year, Pastor Jim Cymbala challenges us to think about what would mean the most to Jesus this holiday season.
