GOD REVEALED – A New Testament Journey (PART 7)Àpẹrẹ

GOD REVEALED – A New Testament Journey (PART 7)

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James – All or Nothing

The binary code has taken the world by storm through the computer revolution. It forms a part and parcel of living. The spiritual realm is also governed by a different kind of binary perspective. James highlights this in a unique manner. When we follow Christ we are all in (1) or all out (0). There is no in-between (1:10).

James differentiates people clearly into (1:22):
 The doers (1)
 The deceivers (0)

At the end he deals with the in-between category of the drifters who will eventually fall into one of the above categories.

The binary perspective as per James covers 10 aspects - in each of these we see the positive characteristics of doers and negative characteristics of deceivers.

- Two kinds of attitude - Persevering (1:2-4) or complaining (5:2): Trials help us achieve perfection. Complaints invoke judgment.
- Two kinds of prayers (1:6-8) - Bold or doubtful: A bold prayer of faith is tuned to God’s will and not biased by our wishes.
- Two kinds of pride (James 1:9-10) - In Christ or in humiliation: The proud are bound to face humiliation while the humble will be lifted.
- Two kinds of listening - Hearers and doers or hearers only (1:23-24): Listening from the heart results in transformation of our lives and those around us.
- Two kinds of religion - Pure and spotless or worthless (1:27): Religion should strengthen our relationship with God and with others.
- Two kinds of wealth - Kingdom or world (2:5): Are we investing on eternity or spending on the world?
- Two kinds of belief - Acting or shuddering (2:19): If we don’t act on our faith, we are left to shudder at the consequences.
- Two kinds of speech - Sweet or bitter (3:3, 6-11): true words come from within and cannot be masked.
- Two kinds of wisdom - Of God or of the world (3:17): We may not be the sharpest and smartest in human terms but can attain a wealth of understanding of God if we seek it.
- Two kinds of friendship - With God or with the world (4:4): We cannot have deep connections with both.

The drifters are precious lives to be rescued. “Don’t write them off. Go after them. Get them back.” James 5:19-20 Message. Prevent an epidemic of drifters.

Which aspects do we find ourselves compromising on? What do we find most challenging?
How can we achieve a clear “1” in all aspects and be “doers”?
How can we achieve a clear “1” in all aspects and be “doers”?

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GOD REVEALED – A New Testament Journey (PART 7)

Powerful Letters - They rocked the early churches. Written by Jesus’ closest disciples, John and Peter, his half-brothers, James and John, and an enigmatic author, these letters continue to overturn thinking. They equip us to defend and attack the evil forces and dark ages. They inspire, empower, and enable us to allow Christ to live through us. They encourage us to enlarge our vision to see the world from the perspective of eternity.
