GOD REVEALED – A New Testament Journey (PART 7)Àpẹrẹ

GOD REVEALED – A New Testament Journey (PART 7)

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Hebrews – The Real Deal

To the true blue Jew the world was his oyster. He felt he had it all. He belonged to the chosen nation. The letter to the Hebrews is a wake-up call reminding Jews (and Christians) that we may be missing it all. We may not be in on the real deal. The dimensions of the real deal are laid out.

Real Centre (1-2)

Christ is the center of the universe. If we make him the center of our lives, it will run in harmony with His purpose for the universe.

Real Rest (3-4:13)

In an agitated world there is rest - in this world and the next.

Four types of rest in the Bible:

R est in Christ, soul rest Matt 11:28
E ternal rest 4:9,11
S abbath rest 4:9
T emporal rest 4:8

Real High Priest (4:14-5:10, 6:20-8:6)

Christ connects us to God as a unique High Priest in many ways.

P ath to God 10:19-20
R eached through humble obedience 5:8-9
I s God 1:10
E mpathizes with us 4:15
S inless sacrifice 4:15, 7:27
T imeless 7:3, 27

Real Maturity (5:11-6:19)

Maturity runs deep. It is based on God’s word and true repentance (6:1). It requires commitment, transformation inside out. Those who taste God and backtrack may never be able to return to God. (6:5-6)

Real Covenant (8:7-9:18)

We live in an age of “itching ears” when people savour teachings that satisfy their lusts (2 Tim 4:3). The day will come when even teachers will be redundant because God will write the laws in people’s hearts (8:10-11).

Real Way to God (9:19-10:37)

People have created many paths, but God provides only one - through the blood of Jesus. (10:19-20)

Real Faith (10:38 -11)

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (11:1)

F ull
A ssurance
I n
T riumphant
H ope

Real Race (12:1-14)

Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. (Heb 12:1,2a)

R ighteousness
A ttained by
C hristlike
E ndurance

Real Kingdom (12:14-28)

God’s kingdom can never be shaken. (12:28)

Real Action (13)

The real action is often outside the privilege zone and beyond the comfort zone. (13:13-14)

How can we go deep into the “real” deal? How can we achieve rest here and now? What can we do to get into the “action zone”?

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GOD REVEALED – A New Testament Journey (PART 7)

Powerful Letters - They rocked the early churches. Written by Jesus’ closest disciples, John and Peter, his half-brothers, James and John, and an enigmatic author, these letters continue to overturn thinking. They equip us to defend and attack the evil forces and dark ages. They inspire, empower, and enable us to allow Christ to live through us. They encourage us to enlarge our vision to see the world from the perspective of eternity.
