A Minute to Think 5-Day Reading Plan Àpẹrẹ

A Minute to Think 5-Day Reading Plan

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We’re All In This Together

Think about the last time something awesome happened in your life. A promotion. An engagement. A YouTube video that went viral. Whatever it was, what’s the very next thing you wanted to do? If you’re even a little bit like me you wanted to shout it from the rooftops! Text all your friends. Post it to social media. Write a blog. Call your spouse.

The point is, we naturally want to share our lives with others.

As the traumatic experiences of the COVID-19 lockdowns have proven, we’re not built for isolation. We’re built for community. This life is not a solo mission. It’s a team effort and we’ve been created to engage it as such.

This is why the New Testament often describes the Church as a body. It’s one complete whole, yet it’s made up of many parts. And all these parts work together for the sake of the whole. The parts move and operate in a united effort to accomplish the will of the whole body. All for the good and health of both the whole body and the separate parts.

By this, we are given a picture of how we are to live and move in community. In our families. On our work teams. At our book clubs or leadership cohorts. We are to share our lives in such a way that it connects with and benefits those around us. In other words, we love our neighbors. We step into their lives and share ours with them. We model the way of Jesus for them. We introduce hope and joy and peace. We bring encouragement. We build others up. We walk with them on this journey of life.

This is what we do!

One practical way we can do this is by inviting others to experience white space. In doing so we help them break free from the life-sucking monsters of busyness and insatiability. The principles of white space then enter into our communities, our workplaces, our social settings and bring about genuine freedom. And in that freedom, time and space can be found to reflect on things that truly matter.

This is how we love our neighbor.

This is how we honor God and lovingly serve others.

We help our friends, co-workers, and family members create space. Then, we pray that God’s Spirit would work in mighty and incredible ways in that space!

White Space Moment:

Think about 3 people that you would like to connect more deeply with. People you are open to sharing your life with. Write their names down and start praying for opportunities to engage with them. 

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A Minute to Think 5-Day Reading Plan

Do you ever wish you could stop and just take a minute? Most people do. Yet, the idea of taking a pause in our busy lives seems impossible. What we need in our lives is the missing element of white space—short periods of open, unscheduled time that, when recaptured, can change everything. This 5-day plan will guide you on the path to recovering that white space in your life.
