A Minute to Think 5-Day Reading Plan Àpẹrẹ

A Minute to Think 5-Day Reading Plan

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Too Much Of A Good Thing

Fifteen mini Butterfingers.

Nine real Christmas trees.

Six double espressos.

What do all of these have in common?

Too much of a good thing!

As a candy-induced stomach ache or caffeine triggered shakes will tell you, sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. In fact, very often too much of a good thing can actually turn into a bad thing. When something that’s good is over consumed, overemphasized, or overvalued, it can quickly become quite dangerous.

It’s true in life.

And it’s true at work.

As believers, when we make too much of a good thing that thing begins to unhinge God from the throne of our hearts. Whatever it is — our family, our job, our finances, our performance or persona — when we fix our full attention and devotion to it, it becomes our idol. It captivates our hearts and minds. And we worship and serve it wholeheartedly.

According to Pastor and Theologian Timothy Keller, idolatry is “turning a good thing into an ultimate thing.” It’s taking something good and infusing it with ultimate worth, or value, or power. It’s saying that God isn’t enough and this other thing is needed to bring salvation, peace, success, joy, etc. It’s turning our eyes from the Creator toward the thing created. And, it’s the dangerously normal way of life for many of us, especially at work. We turn good things into ultimate things that ultimately derail everything.

This is why we are instructed to avoid idolatry like the plague! For the only ultimate thing is God Himself. He is to be the object of our affections, attention, and devotion. We worship and serve Him alone. After all, the Apostle Paul tells us that God’s the one who graciously saved us. And it wasn’t and isn’t because of anything we did, can do, or will do. It’s all His grace.

But, He did create us to do good works. To partner with Him in expressing His goodness, rule, love, and creativity in this world. Our work, whatever it is and wherever it happens, is God’s gift to us and our way to honor Him. So, we work hard. And, in everything we do, we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus!

White Space Moment:  

  • Take some time to reflect on your life. Consider these questions:   
  • What good things have you made (or are making) into ultimate things?   
  • Do you see a pattern?   
  • Who can you talk about this with?   
  • How can you refocus your attention and devotion back to God?

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí

A Minute to Think 5-Day Reading Plan

Do you ever wish you could stop and just take a minute? Most people do. Yet, the idea of taking a pause in our busy lives seems impossible. What we need in our lives is the missing element of white space—short periods of open, unscheduled time that, when recaptured, can change everything. This 5-day plan will guide you on the path to recovering that white space in your life.
