Self-Sabotage: The Other EnemyÀpẹrẹ

Self-Sabotage: The Other Enemy

Ọjọ́ 5 nínú 5

Grace Redeems

As we have seen over the past few days, the enemy uses self-sabotage against believers simply because it works. It usually starts as a seed of doubt or fear, which can then turn into a stronghold. When the seed is planted, we have two choices: we can reject it or water it. When we make the mistake of watering it, we do the enemy's dirty work and place ourselves right where he wants us. 

King Saul is a perfect example of this. In 1 Samuel, he goes from being an appointed king to being rejected by God because he believed the narrative in his head and chose feelings and logic over full obedience. This is what self-sabotage does. It convinces us that despite what God told us, we know better. 

But before we judge Saul harshly, we must look at ourselves and see how we are guilty of the same things. Think about how many times you have allowed a seed of doubt to grow to full-blown skepticism or the last time you dimmed your light because of insecurity or that time you jumped into action before consulting God. You and I are guilty in different ways, but much like Saul was. 

The good news is that the results of self-sabotage are not the end for the believer. Genesis 50:20 assures us that what was intended for evil can be turned around for our good. Luke 22:31-32 also encourages us that after we fall God can strengthen and use our story to help others. God loves a good redemption story, and He is always looking to turn things around—even the things we mess up ourselves. 

If self-sabotage has caused a good thing to turn sour in your life, it is not too late to give it to God. Trust that no one can stand in the way of His ability and desire to redeem. The past does not have to repeat itself. There is hope, and it starts with a decision to choose God's word over your own. 

Reflection Questions: 

1. What has self-sabotage caused me to lose? 

2. How can I begin to demonstrate that I trust God's will and decisions for my life? 

Ọjọ́ 4

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Self-Sabotage: The Other Enemy

There is a subtle enemy that many believers battle daily. It is called self-sabotage. It is dangerous and deceptive because it causes you to stand in your own way, and if you are not careful, it will also cause you to talk yourself out of God's blessings. But, be encouraged. There is a blueprint for victory. Join MCWEN Founder Andrena Sawyer for a 5-day study on overcoming this enemy.
