

Ọjọ́ 4 nínú 7

Abide. Come and cling to Me. Make Me your home. What does it mean to abide somewhere? All of us abide somewhere. When you go home, you will relax some, put on comfortable clothes, take off your shoes, maybe grab something to eat. You loosen up. Your home is a place of rest and nourishment. A place where you can be your authentic self . Jesus says, “Let me be that place. You don’t have to perform for me. Just be you. Get comfortable and rest with Me.”

Sometimes, we get it wrong. We say, “I am going to change the world. I am going to solve all of the problems.” Those are noble ambitions, but they are only fruits. What would it look like to wake up every morning and make a commitment to abide and rest in Jesus?

God wants to replicate His relationship with Adam and Eve with you. He walked with them every day. They were best friends. They were authentic, and even when they messed the whole thing up, God showed up like He always does. I feel like if you gave God time to speak into your life, He would say, “How about we live this day together. Me and you. And I promise you will find rest” 

My daughter knows the importance of living and resting with her father. Just about every day she will ask me, “Daddy, can we just have some Ryleigh/Daddy time?” Sometimes we will just snuggle up on the couch, share a snack and watch a show. Other times we will play hair salon, just Ryleigh and me.  Our Father God wants the same relationship with us. He wants intentional time with us. He wants us to rest in Him.

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Nípa Ìpèsè yìí


Do you ever feel tired? Do you lack energy? Do you get restless, constantly squirming around, can’t find comfort anywhere, with anything, or with anyone? Maybe you are in a continual rhythm of stress. It’s constant. But if you’re honest, you actually thrive on it. But is this the life you want to live? Can you sustain this pace for another day, week, or year? You're rest-less.
