Now HopeÀpẹrẹ

Now Hope

Ọjọ́ 5 nínú 13

Don’t let lies stop you from taking the land

John 8:44-47 (NIV) [The devil] is a liar and the father of lies. […] Whoever belongs to God hears what God says [emphasis added]

It’s inevitable – stuff happens in life. But when it does, do we just look at the circumstances at hand? Or do we take the time to think about where we allow those circumstances to take us? And importantly, what voices we’re listening to in those tough moments? 

Often, the problem is not whatever’s coming at you. It’s how the enemy uses that to stifle your hope. To stop you in your tracks, or take you down a different pathway altogether. 

In Numbers 13, the Israelites are close to reaching their destination. Released from four hundred years of slavery in Egypt, they have experienced miracle after miracle – escape from pursuit, the parting of the Red Sea, divine food in the desert, and pillars of cloud and fire by day and night. In short, they’ve been given every reason to trust in God’s promises. 

Then, Caleb and Joshua are sent out with ten others to spy out the Promised Land. Caleb comes back and reports, ‘We are well able. Let us go up at once.’ But the other guys disagree: ‘We went as well, and you should have seen what we saw. Everybody there is a giant.’

So, who do the Israelites believe? Remember, this was the Promised Land we’re talking about – their pre-destined home, promised by God Himself. Our God who knows the future, whose ways are higher. Yet the Israelites lost hope because they chose to believe a negative report. The fruitfulness of the land, the mightiness of God … suddenly these meant nothing when weighed against the size of the land’s inhabitants. 

When a case is tried in a courtroom, both the prosecution and the defense are allowed to call witnesses. Often, it’s a ‘my word against yours’ scenario, with the judge or jury deciding who to believe based on credibility. But a false witness with the gift of the gab can be hard to spot. 

Imagine that it is your own future on trial. The prosecution (led by the enemy) goes first. His mission is to target the seeds of hope that God has planted in you. He calls witnesses who testify about the mistake you made last year, put your weaknesses under the magnifying glass, and ridicule your dreams. They sound authoritative. Knowledgeable. ‘You’ll never get there,’ they say. ‘It’s not possible.’ 

But then, taking the stand for the defense, the Word of God approaches, shining with truth and strength. All fall silent at the sight of Him. Then His words begin to fill the courtroom, rich and clear and true …

‘I know the plans I have for you’ (Jeremiah 29:11).

‘I began a good work in you and I will carry it through to completion’ (Philippians 1:6).

Who we listen to determines who we become. God already knows there will be challenges in the land he’s called us to take hold of. He’s not surprised or fazed when things happen. So take hold of God’s words and activate His hope. Then you’ll be able to recognize and counteract the lies of the enemy, and continue moving forwards.

In the courtroom of your life, you get to be the judge. Whose testimony is reliable, whose words you are going to believe? Will you place your future behind bars? Or will you listen to what God says about you, and set your future free?

Ọjọ́ 4Ọjọ́ 6

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Now Hope

Faith, hope and love, they always seem to go together. We hear lots about faith and love, but what about hope - the link which holds this chain together? While the world’s understanding of ‘hope’ is something insubstantial, the Bible’s descriptions of it – hope as an anchor, hope as a helmet – are anything but! Decide to activate hope today and discover how it leads you into God’s tomorrow.
