Yohanes 5
Yesus yisoh raa sait mam aya mbair ro Betesda
1Ti baro firwas tna raa ro agama Yahudi makyõ korat rana sau naut. Tna Yesus yaut yamoʼt Yerusalem u. 2Kota ro Yerusalem to aya mbair sau mhau mam makit rau. Mhau kene mam Mato ro Domba. Mam mai ro Ibrani to, aya mbair reto masom Betesda. Tiwya raa mkait yuk trion maat ro mhau mur aya reto, mkah bo raa hre baas iti. 3Raa mawat ro mafa kiyam ja mjin mam yuk weto to: Raa ro kiyam, msya raa ro masu mboh msya ro maa maka msya ro matem maa bo mhai to ja mjin mam yuk reto. [Raa weto beta hre mwof aya mata mnah-nah. 4Malaikat sau mroh tna mno aya reto mnah-nah. Tna awya ro yroh wia yatim mam aya reto to, raa retait kiyam mrok marak.] 5Mam yuk reto raa sait ro yafa bo tahun trion 38 bo feto yhau. 6Tna Yesus yama tna ymat ait yjin mam beto. Yhar yawe ait tait kiyam ooh oh. Tibyo ytu kʼait yawe, “Nyõ ksoh bo noof fe mfe a?” 7Menohe ait yawe si kʼYesus yawe, “Tuhan; mam ati ro malaikat mno aya masu refo mata mnah-nah fo tesait ttai troh fee. Raa ro tubat jõ mse troh mam aya to marak. Tawe tamo troh menohe raa roto taro mroh wia oh.” 8Yesus yawe kʼait yawe, “Beah aam anyõ tna nasen namo oh.” 9Ayõ reto si fo raa retait yoof. Tna ait yasen beah aam rait ybo tna yamo.
Yesus yisoh raa retait mam ayõ ro raa agama Yahudi ja ntmoh (hari Sabat)#5:9 Raa ro agama Yahudi ja skabuk Allah mam hari Sabtu.. 10Ait ro kiyam marak retait yamo to, tna fri raa manes ro Yahudi baro. Ana mmat he bi ait ybo aam rait yamo to. Ait yiwer Watum ro agama ranu oh meto. Tibyo ana mastako ait mawe, “Ayõ ro raa wanu ntmoh refo: Nasom aam anyõ namo to nno fyi?” 11Ait retait ye yawe, “Bi Ait ro riwai yno re jõ kiyam marak retait oh mi ybis jõ yawe tubat aam ajõ tna tamo fo.” 12“Awya oh mi ybis nyõ tubat aam anyõ namo fi?” 13“Twase ye. Ait yarak mam raa makin wefo.” 14Ti baro firwas tna Yesus fri ait retait mam Samu ro Allah mato. Tna yawe kʼait yawe, “Nyõ kiyam marak mefo to, ne nno iro u to ma. Soh nawe nno bo ro mkair-kar u to, kbe kiyam ro samyoh toni mama mai kʼnyõ u.” 15Tna raa retait frok yamo ykyas kʼraa manes ro Yahudi yawe, “Yesus, Ait oh mi yno re jõ kiyam marak fo.” 16Ana ro Yahudi hawe bo Ait yisoh raa mam ayõ ro raa ntmoh. Tibyo ana tomer mfot Yesus. 17Menohe Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Taja tait ykah bo rAit yoyo mamo snok mam ayõ refo. Feto to Jõ tkah bo ye.” 18Riwai Yesus yisoh raa mrok moof mam ayõ ro raa ntmoh ye, tna fo Ait yawe Allah tait Yaja rAit ye. (Feto Ait yawe ynan anya ysya Allah.) Tibyo raa ro Yahudi mhaf kek renti tna mawe saso fyi re mfot Yesus tna mame. 19Yesus ykyas Ait yesait kʼraa manes ro Yahudi yawe, “Nnaut: Bo bawya-bawa ro Ait retait ymat Yaja yno to, Ait yno ye. Tibyo Ait yesait yno bo aro kar fee. Ymat sas bo ro Yaja ybo yno. Tna Ait kro yno bo weto sai ye. 20Allah yhafri Ku rAit. Tna yerif kʼAit bombra ro Ait yno beta. Tibyo Ait ytai yno bo ro Yaja yno ye. Kbe yerif bo ro msai toni miwrek weto ye. Tna anu nmat to nrok ktak. 21Taja yatak yno raa ro mhai mrok masen, tna yno raa maam ye. Feto ye Ku retait yatak ye yno raa maam ye. Yno kʼawya ro Ait ksoh sai. 22Taja yesait ytu srah ro raa sait bo yari fee. Yawe Ku rAit ytu srah raa beta. 23Taja yno feto afo re kbe raa beta mmat Ku rAit, tna waa Ku rAit ye mfi bo ana mmat Ait, tna waa Ait ye. Awya ro ymat tna waa Ku rAit to fee, ait waa Taja ro ybis Ku rAit yama to fee ye.
24Nnaut: Awya ro yari bokyas aJõ, tna smot Ait ro ybis Jõ tama to, meen yhau hame wajin. Ait retait meen Allah yno safo mana ymit kʼait fee. Ait yisnak hai yamoʼt roon ro hame. 25Raa ro mhai oh kbe mari Ku ro Allah ymai. Tna raa ro mari kaket to, kbe maam. Makyon reto mama oh mefo. 26Taja Ait yafos rAit mhau tu mroon mawyõs. Raa aro mabe Ait fee. Yhau sai. Tna yno re Ku rAit, Ait yafos rAit mhau tu mroon mawyõs ye. 27Jõ fi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'. Tibyo Allah yoo tak yee kʼJõ yawe Jõ fi tros susai ttu srah raa ro tabam refo. Bokyas ro ati oh mefo. 28Nri bo ro Jõ tawe to ktak ma. Ayõ rau meen mama to tna raa beta ro mhai oh kbe mari Ait ymai. 29Ana weto raa sama oh, menohe kbe ana beta mrok masen: Ana ro tiwya mno bo ro moof to, mrok masen tna kbe mhau hame wajin. Ana ro tiwya mno bo ro mkair to, kbe mrok masen ye. Tna Jõ ttu srah ro ana mno. Tna too safo mana tmit kʼana weto ye. 30Jõ tesait ai ttu srah rana fee. Tesait tno bo sau kar fee. Jõ ttu srah tari to mnan bawya ro Allah ybis kʼJõ. Tna ja tno mnan si bo ro Ait yawe. Tno bo aro mkah ksoh aJõ tesait fee. Tno bo to tawe tno Taja yhaf mnan. 31Mfi bo Jõ tesait aran tkyas tawe Jõ fi Ku ro Allah yare, kbe raa aro mari fee. Tna smot fee ye. 32Menohe raa roto sait yhar Jõ tna ykyas Jõ ye. Tna thar tawe bokyas rAit reto to mabo tu oh.” 33Tna Yesus ykyas kʼana ro Yahudi u yawe, “Anu nbis raa mamo mo kʼYohanes tna mtu bo kʼait oh. Ait ymat bo ro tno tna ykyas Jõ kʼanu. Ykyas bo mabo. 34Ja tari bokyas mbam raa sai to fee. Menohe Jõ tkyas Yohanes bokyas rait afo re kbe anu nri ait tna nkai riof. 35Tiwya Yohanes yama ynan kek ro mait. Yama tna ti baro to kek reto mram anu fo ye. Au oh mi ti reto to, anu nsu maah tna nksoh nri bokyas rait ye. 36Tawe Jõ fi Ku ro Allah yare to. Tna bombra ro Jõ tno merif mawe Taja oh mi ybis Jõ tama fo. Tama tno bo ro Ait ybis to tno fo. Yohanes ykyas yawe Jõ fi Ku ro Allah yare ye. Bokyas rait reto merif Jõ tasom aJõ kebet sai. Menohe bombra ro tno merif bo reto kaket re raa mhar mawe Allah oh mi Raa ro ybis Jõ tama. 37-38Taja ro ybis Jõ tama fo, yesait ykyas yawe Jõ fi Ku rAit. Menohe anu smot Jõ fee. Tibyo anu nri ymai fee. Tna anu nmat yasu rAit fee ye. Tna bokyas rAit anu nse mam nhaf mato wanu fee ye. 39Anu ksoh nwe meen anu nhau hame wajin. Feto to anu ja hre nmat Bokom ro Allah. Nwe anu nmat tna nhar Bokom reto kaket. He mfe. Bokom ro Allah oh mi mkyas Jõ. 40Menohe anu hawe bo nma no kʼJõ afo re meen nhau hame wajin.”
41Tna Yesus yawe kʼraa manes ro Yahudi yawe, “Jõ saso tasom aJõ fee. Reto bo ro ati fee. 42Jõ thar anu. Thar tawe anu nhafri Allah mam nhaf mato wanu to fee. 43Allah yesait ybis Jõ tama tkyas yasom rAit kʼanu. Tibyo Jõ tama. Menohe anu nitrah nhaf wanu kʼJõ fee. Anu nri bo ro Jõ tkyas fee. Raa taro kbe mama mo kʼanu tna mkyas bonaut rana mesait sai. Fyi re anu nri ana? Ana mkyas masom rana mesait. Fyi re anu nitrah nhaf wanu kʼraa weto? 44Anu ksoh raa mmat anu tna bibi anu. Menohe anu sorni nwe Allah ymat anu to, bo ro ati. Tibyo anu ja nwe nno bo re kbe Ait bibi anu to fee. Nno fyi meto? Allah yesait aran Raa ro yase. Au oh mi anu hawe smot Jõ fea! 45Meen Jõ tamo to kʼTaja. Tamo tna taun boun kʼanu to fee. Bi Musa oh mi yaun baun kʼanu oh. Bo ro Musa ykom mesait maun boun kʼanu. Anu ninaut nwe, ‘Amu nri Musa msya Watum rait reto. Feto kbe amu nkai riof.’ He mfe. 46Watum ro Musa mkyas Jõ. Soh anu nfot Watum rait kaket to, maami anu kbe smot Jõ ye. 47Menohe anu nmat Watum ro Musa to, nbo nno kaket fee. Feto kbe anu niwana bo ro Jõ tkyas ye.”
Ekhethiweyo ngoku:
Yohanes 5: ayz

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© 2005 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. in cooperation with Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera, 2005