Believing for a Move of God: A Prayer Guide From Gather25نمونہ

Believing for a Move of God: A Prayer Guide From Gather25

19 دن 21 میں سے

Serve Relentlessly


We are struck by the relentlessness of Paul, how this great apostle kept going. The word we associate with Paul is servant, he served the Church, and he served his Savior. He was a beautiful servant of the gospel. His life’s mission was to testify to the good news of God’s grace.

As we think about gathering together as His Church, we want to testify to the good news of God’s grace and to proclaim his mercy, love and kindness to this broken world. We know that this message will only truly be proclaimed by servants.


We commit to serve you today, Lord, to testify to the good news of your grace today. Father, we thank you that you have been gracious towards us. We want to serve you by inviting others to hear your message ofgrace this year, as we gather.

دِن 18دِن 20

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Believing for a Move of God: A Prayer Guide From Gather25

As Gather25 approaches, we are excited to share a 21-day prayer guide to invite you to join us as we prepare our hearts, build our faith, and encourage one another to share Jesus. Each day, we will share Scripture, a thought and a prayer to help you prepare your heart to gather with Jesus followers around the world. Take time to read the provided Scripture aloud, pause, and reflect. End your time in prayer and make each day your own.
