Believing for a Move of God: A Prayer Guide From Gather25نمونہ

Turn to Jesus
We see today that a praying church saw a miraculous breakthrough. Peter was in prison, but the church was “earnestly praying to God for him” and as the church prayed earnestly to God for him, he was set free. We learn from this that when the church gathers and prays that we will see miracles. Our prayer at Gather25 is that prisoners will be set free, that people will have divine visitations and lives will be transformed through an earnestly praying church.
Lord, today we pray for those we know who need your freedom. Come and set the captives free. For those who are bound by illness, by oppression, by sin, by addiction; we pray earnestly for their freedom today.
مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

As Gather25 approaches, we are excited to share a 21-day prayer guide to invite you to join us as we prepare our hearts, build our faith, and encourage one another to share Jesus. Each day, we will share Scripture, a thought and a prayer to help you prepare your heart to gather with Jesus followers around the world. Take time to read the provided Scripture aloud, pause, and reflect. End your time in prayer and make each day your own.