Believing for a Move of God: A Prayer Guide From Gather25نمونہ

Be Unshaken in Praise
We find it amazing that as the church grew and continued to experience opposition that Paul and Silas sang hymns to God even while they were in chains. It would seem to us that the growth and mission of the church was marked by joy, that the men and women of the early church regularly praised God and sang hymns and worshiped Him.
We see that as people worshiped, things changed.
Our heart is that as we Gather not only to pray, not only to repent, not only to be commissioned but also to worship God that things WILL change.
We worship you today God, we give you thanks. Although our circumstances may be difficult, we lift our eyes and look to you. You deserve all our praise and worship today. We praise you for all you have done and for all you are.
مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

As Gather25 approaches, we are excited to share a 21-day prayer guide to invite you to join us as we prepare our hearts, build our faith, and encourage one another to share Jesus. Each day, we will share Scripture, a thought and a prayer to help you prepare your heart to gather with Jesus followers around the world. Take time to read the provided Scripture aloud, pause, and reflect. End your time in prayer and make each day your own.